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netibiza | 14:32 Thu 04th Jan 2007 | Site Suggestions
505 Answers
Where has the Biddybank gone?


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morning, biddies; well, the Ed has indeed done a runner - see the new (10-day-old?) blog and TCL's post... and now Neti is going to follow her? Honestly, I can't even leave the country without everything going head over heels... Anyway, somebody go see her pronto <well obviously I mean the Ed, no point in going to see Neti if she's finally run off with George or Bazza or someone> and request a special biddy diispensation in return for being good corporate citizens. I notice that this thread doesn't have a report button attached, so I hope that is a good start. <returns to south seas idyll, but with umbrella>
PS the virus warning seems to be a hoax (though it's obviously laid waste to neti) html
Yes it's been established it was hoax: Question350778.html

You did make laugh Vinny - I'm bailing out now, see you around. -x-
blimey,me lights are flashing on and off...its really bad here at the mo...catch you later...i hope..(:O)
morning tout le monde....

wooooo, what a day & it's gonna get worse!!....hope you're all intact, I saw N.Devon on the news earlier - think I spotted a flying buffer in the background.....if you see a bundle of sticks blowing over it'll probably be me.
Have we been the butt of someone's jokes? can't be bothered to log in to look at it.....I can take any teasing anyone wants to throw at me & they can't insult me without my permission. In fact I'd rather be teased than have someone slopping all over me - if I ever become famous they'll bring back spitting image, hehe.

waves to jno

ok peeps - keep ya hair on today....
Good Morning All Mind you I don't know what is good about it. It's a howling gale at the moment. Just had to go out and pick up all the cardboard blown out of my neighbours bin after the wind had blown it over.
Went to the ballet yesterday to see Swan Lake. Thats a first for me since I left school when I went to see the same one. I must say I quite enjoyed it because I like all sorts of music, but I'm not quite sure about the dancing.
Robinia I never go on other topics so I don't know what is goin off. So what other people throw at us I don't know about.
I'm off out now so I'll catch you later maybe. Have a good day everybody.
-- answer removed --
hi Jude - only been to the ballet once, Giselle. It was lovely

not sure whether I've got a prob with puta or not..but if I disappear toute de suite you know why.

stop clapping, I am not amused....the weather is scaring me witless & now this.....

tear plops into soup
Question Author
Just popped in for a perusal, and lots of the q's in suggs are from 2004 - what is happening???
dunno neti - must be the wind, we've been blown backwards....I'm trying to stay out of suggs (since the trouble) til we know how the land lies on here now....
Thought I was a couple years younger for a while when I looked earlier .. !
Hope everyone is OK ...terrible here child came in lunchtime drenched from head to foot ! The lights are flickering now .....good job I didn't put my Prices Candles back under the sink .
Whoops.... a half eaten custard tart has just flown past the window and crossed paths with a Becks tin coming from the other direction .
Goes off to hide under the the table with Shaney and the butler
oooh poshe modom....(just a 2/11 box from the Co-Op for me) are you having a candlelight supper? will Onslo be there in his string vest?
Ooooh no ...Onslo his dirty vest ...whatever would the vicar say !
My candles say tenpence halfpenny on the box !
I think they may be a bit damp by now ....if the box of Robin Starch that's next to them is anything to go by .

oh look a mouldy blue bag
Amazing what you can find under the sink.
hahaha and a rusty brillo..... hope you're using wax tapers....

<mmm,but what did we light the tapers with?>

Hi everyone including you, Smudge - seen your name but our paths haven't really crossed. I'm the one they call Kit, or Kip.

...and at the moment I'm perishing under packing boxes.

What a strain it is to move.

My place is so tiny. I had made a careful plan for the movers regarding how to stack the boxes � which ones on top, which ones at the bottom. This is because I have several herniated discs and I didn�t want to spend the first night unpacking thousands of books just to get to the butter. Well, the movers were so kind, two nice young boys who studied my plan closely and didn�t make me feel like a bitch, and they carried my plan out to the letter � only, as if they�d held the paper upside down. I think it�s a cosmic joke on me. I�m always trying to control everything.

Jude, how delightful it was to read about your dad�s night on the town!

No I don�t believe my mother ever made me wear a liberty bodice, Robinia, but with each passing year it�s becoming more and more apparent that she secretly deposited every feature and look of her own in my care, so that�s the more radical approach, I guess. Don�t know who penned this, but it sure is true:

Mirror mirror
on the wall
I am my mother
after all

(continued below)

Alpacas in England! I�m on my way, Vinny - I�m always knitting pulsv�rmare from their wonderful wool. (Pulsv�rmare = pulse warmers � don�t know the correct word.) How close were you; were they interested in what you were doing?

Shaney, I wanted to tell you the other night about a method I practised in my youth instead of writing shopping lists, but didn�t have the time, and now I don�t have the time again. Must go home and meet a friend who�s picking some of my stuff up. I�ll try to remember to tell you the next time, although I doubt you�ll like the idea�

Hope you are all well!

Question Author
Have had an email from Ed saying we have been moved to suggs - is that good?
Hiya Neti - and bye!

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