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netibiza | 14:32 Thu 04th Jan 2007 | Site Suggestions
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Where has the Biddybank gone?


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oops that ^^ answer was obviously for Vinny

maybe we're sisters Kit! my mum did often say she was just nipping out for a few days....did you have to wear a liberty bodice?

it's weird isn't it shaney? - as though some one's behind them telling them what to do...and everything has to be a finely executed operation - spontaneity? never....
my mum was very negative though & saw a bad end to most things - always read the last page of a book first & had a fascination with the macabre....unlike me, I hate that stuff - she always said I lived in fantasy land - it's the only way to save my sanity!

thankfully my sis isn't negative & is my best friend - & she's getting better at 'spur of the moment'.

now what can I tell you about saggitarians?

crams in four fingers of kit kat all at once....sideways on

you lot are MAGIC (*_*)..X..X..X

Oh Mr S is dreadful ..."We'll do so and so or go somewhere tomorrow " Ten minutes later "No ..I don't think we'll do that ". He changes his mind as often as his underpants...with numbing regularity !!
Pedantic and everything has to be.. as you say organised.. like a route march. Many years ago when we lived in Holland he had bought some train tickets for us to go to Antwerp and then lost them ! I often bring that one up !! And ..he is always right ...but I pay no attention and bumble along ...I think he must be used to me by now ..but sometimes he throws his hands up in despair !

Now ..what can tell you about miserable little Capricorns !
sure you don't mean tragic Vinny?....teehee
my ex - a capricorn please note shaney had a photography thing called magic moments & I used to call it, under my breath, Tragic day my son said it & apparently my ex said 'hmmph - that's your mother talking!' hahahahaha
Capricorns....great people - come into their own later in life...don't worry shaney you'll get it together when your 90!

oooh err my lights are'll be that Devon lot all putting their sprouts on for tomorrow's dinner...

time I wasn't here methinks....the bed will be nice 'n warm, I put my blanket on at 4 o'clock this afternoon
nytol xx :o)
Time I wasn't here either .....I must go and find my hairnet and put me teeth in to soak ..... electric blankets ...oooh they are posh up derbyshire way ..and here's me with one of these s/commercialbreaks_bitmaps/cb_hotwaterbot.jpg

Nite all !!
HEHE..!night all.
there all in bed...yippee..I..... can play me rock...musack..LOUD.....its true xxx..(((*_*))...x..x..x)
Hi all Just got in and read through all your posts. We seem to be back on track with our usual chat about things. Let's hope we're left in peace now for a bit. Been to see my brother play at a pub in Borrowash near here. He played solo acoustic guitar - he did a bit of this and that, Dylan, Led Zep (Stairway) Dire Straits (Romeo and Juliet) a bit of instrumental. Mostly in the back ground but by the second set every body was listening and singing along. And guess what my Dad (92)arrived with my sister and it's the first time he's been out socially for over 12 months. I was very surprised to see him. I was only sorry my Mum wasn't there. She died 20.01 2001 aged 85. Apparently my bro is going to play there on a regular basis so that's another night out for me, makes a change from my usual haunts. If you're still up Vinny hope you 're ok. Hope you all have a goodnight as well. x
Shaney - you are a lucky girl - Capricorns are born old and get younger as they get older:) I too have a sister who is an Aquarius - she is about 20 years younger than I am - but has been a little old lady her whole life - her house has doilies and flowers and doodads of all kinds. She is super intelligent - but kind of absentminded. Aquarians have to be doing several things at the same time. If they are talking on the phone, they will be peeling an orange and reading a book or something at the same time:)

Now this old lady is on the cusp - Virgo/Libra - no wonder I am confused!!! :)
quick good morning as I listen to that lovely song & my wincies soak in the dolly tub....beautiful day (so far), crisp, bright, very little breeze. I plan to wrap up & go sweep up the blown-in debris shortly....mmm, seems to be some navy p.e. pants belonging to a shaney class 3A (so that's how they pass a cold winters eve in Norfolk)... a chimney pot caked in bird-poop with a string of xmas lights tied to it.... some one's poodle skirt (erm, skirt with poodles on - not skirt for a poodle)... & a microwaveable slipper.....

Jude it's not flooded in Borrowash then? bet it's a bit high down trent lock

from a typical taurean...plodding, determined, sensual...or is it senseless?....but don't make me angry!! .....snorts & paws the ground
Morning....have a peep at TV....Somebody pulling me up om me spelling...hahahaha..!(:O)
Morning all. Lovely day here asRobinia says. Trent Lock is quite High Robi The Boat people are quite worried.
Talking of star signs who's going to make a guess what I am. I'm typical, worrier, sensitive, tidy minded, loyal, everything in it's place and a place for everything. I was married to a twin who was a gemini. Not a good match apparently. Lol
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I know it sounded daft saying the boat people are worried but when the water gets high that can cause them probs too apparently.
jude I hazard a guess you a Virgo .Sounds like my eldest son .I am a Leo married to a Taurean withan Aquarian Father and a Cancer Mother . Both of them fitted their signs perfectly as does my husband (he will not be moved but a treasure all the same.)
Hi creakies ...lovely day here to today in Naaarfolk ..bright and sunny but cold ..but anything is preferable to that howling wind.
Yes I reckon our Jude is a Virgo but it doesn't always follow ..I have a friend who is a Virgo and she is untidier than me and that's saying something !!
My Mum was a Taurus ..and she was ever so stubborn ..."You will NOT the leave the house looking like that " !

So Capricorns get younger as they get older eh ?
Hmmm.....I shall have to look out my roller skates and knitted bathing costume !
Spot on Dolly and Shaney. I can be a bit untidy but that's usually when I've come home from half a day at work and once I get going everything gets done!
Having a lazy afternoon listening to the Eagles another of my favourite groups. Going to watch a Stephen King film tonight on ITV 3 called Dolores Claiborne. I've read the book many years ago. Should be good.
I'm on holiday this week so no work for 11 days yipppeee!! I really can see the big R calling me.LOL.
Hahahahahah !!!! I have nearly fell off the chair laughing ...oooh I'v'e got a stitch .....someone get a straight jacket... hahahah !
Hilarious Vinny Where do you find them all!!?

I know I look a fright at times........... but Jesus wept !!

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