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netibiza | 14:32 Thu 04th Jan 2007 | Site Suggestions
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Where has the Biddybank gone?


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well I don't know why you're all laughing - my pic was spot on.

<mmm, where are my caterpillars? they've a job to do>

all quiet in biddyland I see....are you all done in from the sunshine & fresh air yesterday? I am - it was lovely tho' .
back to the same old here today ...very windy & dull.

erm, dum de dum....I'm sure I had something important to say....

tiptoes in >>>>

<has anyone left a toothbrush around I wonder?.... washing machine drawer needs cleaning out....ah! here's one.....whrrrrrrrrrr....oh! it's got batteries in....>


Hi Robinia Hope you are ok today. It's a bit breezy again innit. Been to town and bought myself a photo printer. Having some fun with it too printing my Christmas photos off my digital camera, so you never kinow you may get on of me in the olden days sometime soon LOL
Hi folks

Quaite naice here today again but not for long I don't think . More storms to come they reckon .How joyful.Just been reading in the paper about all the flooding ..poor devils ..I know how they feel !
I have a rotten headache today for some reason and it's a thing I rarely get .I woke up feeling as though someone had smacked me on the bonce with a sledgehammer ..and no ..I have not been on the drink !!
I am in hot water in Dollys liberty bodice thread ...and no Jno around to rescue me !
Don't get too carried away with that battery toothbrush Robinia ! rick.jpg
oh sorry bout the headache shaney - I get more than my fair share of blinders so you have my sympathy..... & my biscuits.
goodness me - why did the alarm not ring, pray tell me, to inform one of a liberty bodice Q?!
don't know how but I found it very quickly (must be instinct for rubber buttons)....we'll dunk his head in the dolly tub & mangle it at once - tut!

yes Jude 'tis breezy enough but batten down the hatches....gales are on their way again on Wed/thurs.

Evening folks
okay..who locked the door...!
its been a nice day here....up to ten minutes ago...!now its blowing a gale..and peeing down..!
anybody see me tuth brush>>>?(:O)
My hatches are definitely battened down and I'm having a night with the telly! I have a busy day tomorrow, Tai Chi, Lunch with my sister, visiting a friend I haven't seen for a number of years and then the quiz at the local at night.
Hope you all have a good night see you tomorrow! :o)
oh now this is ridiculous - it hasn't stopped piddling down today. When I pointed to the door first thing Charlie rolled over & played dead....but he forgot to stop wagging his tail....nice try chas. He's not quite as bad as my last doggy tho'...he once stepped outside, cocked his leg up the doorframe & hopped back in...

good news ladies...apparently 'middle aged chic' is very in this coming season....mmmm, I'll start working on the 'chic' bit....

now where's neti got too?

makes a change from pole dancing I s'pose
oh crikey I forgot to make neti she's gonna be moaning about being insignificant....
Hi Robinia - hope you're well.

I'd been wondering where Neti had got to, so found her thread below & posted on it: Question347282.html

I then thought - ah, I know I'll look on this one, only to find she's gawn missing from here too. I do hope she's okay.
P.S. Just been looking back - thank you for your messages Vinny & Jude. So sorry I didn't reply - haven't been back on this one since my last post! Hope you're all well though.

It's blinking cold & damp out here - back to the hoovering & get warmed up again!
Afternoon,its been nice here.I was down on the Farm this morning(holiday cottages)and I took a piccy of these
I think there al-paco's
I saw a prog last night about mosques...and this chap says when they take over,there gonna whip Drunkards..! long as its a women..doing it..hehe..!(:O)
Ha, ha, Vinny - you never change - thankfully!

Lovely photo's - I've saved the first one my pic's & will show the Grandchildren when they pop in.

Roll on Springtime!
*to my pic's!
Ha, ha, just realised I'd posted "It's blinking cold & damp out 'here' - I wasn't actually typing outside, i'd left the 't' off the 'here'!!
well I'm outside.....

<stands back across road to look at Vinny's pics>

hey, David Bailey, lovely tho they are, could you make 'em a tad smaller next time please?

how much per hour do they charge to stay there then Vinny?

hahaha...!I think the owner gets a wooly jumper out of it..!their on holiday from peruvia robinia..
hiya found are hideout...we feel like a bunch of outlaws....any moment the posses gonna come over the hill,and report us...hehe..!..(:O)
And it's still raining over here. What a day. Had as lovely lunch at The Royal Oak in Ockbrook with my sister.Just got in after visiting my friendwho had made me promise to go again cos we still have lots to catch up on.Just got in and having a crumpet and coffee.
Lovely photos Vinny reminds me that Spring is just around the corner.
Robinia would you believe I have hyacinths flowering in my garden.
Forgot to say I hope you are all well today.

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