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netibiza | 13:32 Thu 04th Jan 2007 | Site Suggestions
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Where has the Biddybank gone?


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Hello again, I think the rain has stopped at last. Hi Kit nice to hear from you hope your move goes well. I'm off to get ready to go out now, meeting my lovely brother for a drink and a natter. I'm having a really good week off work been somewhere everyday. Even had a phone call from my gardener who has apparently missed me. LOL. Goodnight all see you tomorrow
Sorry Neti and Shaney Hope you are both well too.
back in AB Suggs? Oh dear. <Looks out window as peasants approach with pitchforks and flaming torches> I'm off... nice to hear from you Kit, hope it all goes well, and all you people don't forget to put on sunscreen when you go outside.
Nice to see another knitter in the family Kit !
Do you want me to help you with your boxes ..I have very recent experience with boxes !! According to Grumpy I am a champion box unpacker ! Well ..I don't mess about you know .You may have to move the crockery out of the wardrobes and relocate them into the kitchen afterwards though.

Sunscreen Jno ..I think we need axle grease in this wind's all your fault ..If you didn't keep flashing your pins on the other side of the world my wheelie bin wouldn't be half way to Cleethorpes.

Yoohoo Jude and Neti !
>>>>Evening Folks..
what a bloomin day that was,did I ever I thurs....em..I think I did..
The car boot hit me on my head this morning,outside zuperbug...gettin me cleaning gear out...and it zapped me where I had my Flap done...and it still hurts..looks round fer sympathy>>>bu**er.they all must be knitting cardys..hehe..!.its nice to be back ere again isnt it..Home Sweet Home...oh no..robinia will start making us do the bloomin house work again.
Thank you ED. And please thank Polly Wilson, for helping us over the last few weeks.We really do appreciate it.Good luck in your new job. (:O)
ps speak to you tomorrow Kip.hi jno.
graemer should find us again now..(*_*)
yep shaney lets blame jno....don't worry about ya probably have mine....

evening everyone....I just need to put on some very loud music to bang my head to....I may be back when I've bitten all the heads off my jelly babies.........

oooh where did you spring up from Vincent?
let's have a look, have you got an egg on ya head?....
oi..! I just checked me bin,its full of empty gin bottles and custard tart case's
you to,bin havin secret parties...hehe..!(:O)..!
I've swopped the Becks bottles for gin bottles Vinny ....while you weren't looking !!
I have just perused my wheelie bin with the aid of a torch says ....In case of loss please return to the outside lav ..second alley on the right ..Biddylane..Derby .

The butler is still out for the count .....slop ...slosh .....oooooh this mop Bucket is heavy going .
Morning all,blimey..what a night in the ole house..bullying ,racism...

if robinia thinks Im doing the hovering after calling me a beer swilling yokel,she's got another think coming...hehe..!(:O)
its Gear
good morning - hope you've all got fully functioning utilities, facilities & faculties....<teeth fall on to keyboard>

better go & see whether any little ole dears need oiking out of the freezers down the Scrimpnsave.....there's always one gone in headfirst trying to reach the faggots......the
s(now) word has been mentioned for next week so they'll all be stocking up their pantries from floor to ceiling.

<if Vinny thinks I'm buying him a cake he can forget it....telling me to go & rub my legs together to get the fire started.....huh!>
Sorry to intrude Neti - just thought I'd post this link: Question351814.html

You can't win!

Bye ^8^
well smudge I for one refuse to get into disputes in or out of this thread. It only came about by accident as an innocent jokey little place to escape the real world & all it's cr4p now & then over a cuppa......not a place for fall-outs & throwing toys out of prams.
If people are bored/irritated by it then so be it..... if it comes to an end the world won't stop.....but it won't change much on this site either.
we're all different & hurrah for that....I'll be here for a laugh (& a grumble bout my 'algias) for as long as anyone wants.

c'mon neti - time you came outa the wardrobe!

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a dishevelled neti pokes her head out of the wardrobe- I thought Baz was supposed to be in here!!!!
well hello there neti I just hope you haven't got my Clive (Owen) in there!!....dual at dawn....

To clear up any misunderstanding........

I didn't post the link for anyone to get involved Robinia - I posted it to let Neti know that I was trying to protect not only this thread, but any others the snoops might have tried to disband in the future.

However, I wish you well & long may it continue!

Hope you find Baz soon Neti!
I wont get involved either and quite agree with Robinia .
We chunter in our own corner and I don't think we upset anybody only those who seem to want to adhere rigidly to the rules.
I will defend my corner every time when people get on their high horse about the "nerds" in Q&P for example but I have no time for trumpet blowers or people who think they are right all the time and cannot see anyone elses point of view. Those who pose questions and then when someone disagrees .....hit back with veiled sarcasm.
We are all entitled to our opinions but quite frankly some of the bigoted and ill informed opinions on here never cease to amaze me .
I love chuntering but hope that I also contribute more to AB in the way of actually answering peoples questions with factual information across the categories rather than getting involved in all these petty piffling squabbles.

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I deliberately didn't get involved in that post - though I was dying to - something is the better part of something - discretion and valour - have had a few wines so don't expect anything mindblowing or memorable. I think I am back now. Super, unnaturally warm today - just like spring, and I hate it. We are expecting (well I am) cold weather to start on Suinday. I mean, why have Winter if it's not.

wanders off in an alcoholic daze looking for Baz, or George or whoeverhic
evening chunterers & bunty readers everywhere...

there's going to be any icy blast up the back from Monday here neti - think I'll put bike clips round me draughty bell bottoms......

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I see what you mean Robinia

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