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lifeandsold | 14:43 Tue 23rd Jan 2007 | Site Suggestions
26 Answers
i have been looking back through old old old posts today and there are a few things I have noticed, can you help me with them? There are a few names that keep popping up: Joshnoooman? Margeb? Russian? Ronnie? Nedflanders? Who are these people and why are they mentioned so much?


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Well if you're missing 'em jno you really need to be looking into improving your aim.
lol B00, I do miss georgit and even ned... the Russians, well, I never mentioned the Russians anyway...
They Russians have sleepers everywhere...nowhere is safe
OI what about me?? I've been here years lol longer than all those ones you mentioned, pah where's my attention?
*storms off in a huff*
good lord..some old names there...hhhmmm them were the days eh? hiya ya doing?
blimey Med helloooo hows you ? lol

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