yes jno i saw that u sussed that at the get go, well done, i am obviously doing something very wrong on this site as so many people despise me. i need to be somewhere where having brains and using them is not so ridiculed and reviled. x
weird, isn't it. Nobody's ever imposterised me, possibly because I am pretty tedious, so you may look on it as a tribute to you for standing out from the herd. Beats me why people with so much time on their hands don't devote it to charity work, though.
I was impostered once, and it felt really awful as people starting thinking I was offensive, but they soon realised. InaPickle was really kind and supportive to me. The old AB Ed also said that it was a compliment (however offsided it was).
Cheer up jno maybe one day!!!
Chin up dot old girl - you are made of stronger stuff than most of us on here.
If you're going to stand out from the crowd, wear a tin helmet because you're going to get shot at. Someone said this to me ages ago & I've never forgot.
I, for one, am really grateful for your replies. I don't often post in case of sarky replies and general nastiness but I do a lot of reading on the site and I know that you are one of the few who are consistent in your posts x
oh no!!! I'm sorry Dot, I answered it thinking it was you.... and it wasn't green so I thought it was 1 of your names..... I didn't go back to see the rest.....
I was impostered as Beryllium by a twonk that was lying about casinos.... shame really :-(
I imagine they're rather unnatractive these types..... 6 fingers on each hand in bred types lol....
dotty, rofl, you must hold the record for the ABer with the most impostors. How about a prize of some sort? I'll get the BiddyBankers to rustle up summet in their craft hour :-)
lol... sorry 'bout that.... just floating as usual hehe thinking everyone knows who's who.....
I got temporarily banned by the bots lol.... and thought I'd just use this one.... ;-)
netti, that teapot looks positively obscene, try an ashtray next time!!!!
dot, it just keeps happneing, it must be infuriating for you. You have my sympathy. As i have always said there is only one dot.hawkes!
I am being stalked and imposterised on here at the moment, but it is a harmless enough character so I live with it. I am convinced it is someone at work, but they all just snigger and point when I challenge them.
lol neti very impressed with that it matches my skin tones lol
no zorro, the one the other day was DottieH whereas i am DottyH, DotH ans dot.hawkes the one yesterday was dot..hawkes, and jno spotted the extra dot staright away, (pun intended)
B00, my gold geurami has vanished : ((
chers for the support guys i am chuffed you are all being so cheeful
Oh 'eck on Gourami front dotty it's gone to the great big fishtank in the sky eh? Obviously via the belly of ya other one!
Tell ya mate, i'm sticking to just one solitary gourami till this one pops it's clogs then I wont bother getting any more, I've gone right off the cannibalistic sods!