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North West England

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jonnoman | 12:36 Thu 11th Oct 2007 | Site Suggestions
78 Answers
Just wondering if anyone is from the North West.

i know BOO is, she told me...she lived just down the road

i feel privileged :o) haha


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Yes jonny but Preston has Lush, a bigger Waterstones and Retro Rags- no contest! :)
I live in south cumbria
If I open my back bedroom window I can see Charnock Richard Church, and i work in the Grand Arcade. i didn't know you lived so close to me hellibobs.
Yes dot, I'm in Adlington. And I know you work in the Grand Arcade because I've been in and seen you :)
Oh have you helibobs why didn;t you say hi!!

How did you know it was dotty hellibobs? I've seen her piccy, but I think i'd struggle to pick her out of a store.
hi B00, probably because i was on the shoe department with me name badge on lol It's not easy to miss me I am usually barking orders at the staff, i hope someone approached you hellie and offered assistance!! You're not a Mystery Shopper are you? lol
Hiya folks I'm in Saddleworth has anyone heard of it, its only famous for the Brady Hindley murderers.
lol, yeah Pussnboots- used to go riding there when younger :-)
it's also famous for the farm in the middle of the motorway too.
I know Adlington well actually, the White Horse especially. Are you lower aggy near the marina or at the top near Rivi?
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I have a fascination for Myra Hindley so i have heard of it.

And next time i go to Preston/Wigan... im asking everyone if they are a member of AB.. I will find you yet! lol

I <3 preston though...and i work in charnock richard at the Hinds head, dot.hawkes
lol do you? The Hinds Head? lol, my eldest son is in the Oak Tree tonight, he's a mate of Bobby's and my youngest works in the Springy.
Yes know it well dot, pass it loads of times its just before the Saddleworth turn off on the M62.
Did you do to Souies then?
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Pop into the Hinds head on saturday 12-5... i will be working :0)

grab abite to eat aswell...quality food (this is cheap advertising here)

ha ha ha
blimey dorothy,how many kids you got?
didn't they have contraception in your day lmao
well I will be working too so will have to pass, can't remember last time i did go in there actually, I use the car park when i have to call at the garage across.

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