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Copying and Pasting

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naomi24 | 18:26 Thu 21st Feb 2008 | Site Suggestions
78 Answers
Can someone please tell me how to copy and paste on threads in AB?

Thank you.


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Boo, sorry to be a pain. I'm just trying to understand. Is this what you're referring to?
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figure . . . please place your cursor at the beginning of these words here and click the eft side of your mouse and tell us what happened.

For me it highlights the whole page, exactly the same as Boo and 4candles say . . . . . . .

Let us know

Oh wow!!!! I did it! Normally I have the same problem.... sorry for repeating your answer S. Prize.

Oh that's right, Naomi and Boo pick on the sick and vulnerable one.... shameless the pari of you.

'Oh, poor China', said Naomi sympathetically.

(B00, is she going to whinge on all night about this throat or what?).
Question Author
figure, how did you do that? I mean the bit where you said 'this'? Come on, spill the beans, or I'll make China breathe on you.
figure you did the crafty links thing with a different word on it... how???
I am not whinging!
Yeah figure, thats what I mean- except when I try to do the normal C&P, I get EVERYTHING on that page, categories, adverts the lot. I've found the only way I can copy from AB is to do it the way I described.

Naomi- sadly yes, she's gonna whinge moan and generally be a pain in the posterior (well more so than usual anyway) for quite a while now. Our only option to avoid her slipping into maudlin pity is to hide any booze she might have lieing around, because if she finds that- Gawd help us all!

She's gonna kill me isn't she?<i/>
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Huh, no chance of her finding booze while I'm around. I've drunk it all!
Is this what you mean Sir?
Yes!! That's what we all mean... tell us the secret!

I think brandy might help actually.... medicinal.
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figure, it highlights the whole page when I do it too, but I tried clicking three times, as B00 said, and it worked.

Now how do you do that funny link - come on, figure, out with it. China and I are all eyes.
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You might have added a pathetic 'cough, cough' China. 'Brandy .... gasp .....Brandy'.
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Got to get dinner now .... catch up later. x
What secret? I did it exactly how I wrote the instructions. Ask me what you don't understand. I will be more than happy to explain again.

To label a hyperlink:

my label

If I don't get any brandy I won't be able to practise any more...
Ignore the above post. This is what should have been posted in the 'red'.

This is what should have been posted in the 'red'.
Figure . . . .Everyone is leaving either for something to eat or to lie down in a dark room.

Let's see if we can sort out this copy and paste.

When I do as YOU say, and place the cursor at the front of the text, and then drag it across the test, it highlights the whole page. Exactly as Boo said.

Is that what happens for you too?
Sir, I'm always in control, even with my cursor. ;-)

To answer your question - No, only what I want highlighted is highlighted.
figure . . . . .I do not know what to say.

I just placed my cursor on your post, to the left of the words Sir, I'm always in control . . . .

Then dragged to the right to highlight the words, and the whole page AGAIN became highlighted.

You must know something that no one here knows.

Think I might have figured (ooo geddit?) it out Sir Prize......

Figure? What Internet browser are you using?
Boo - I use Explorer, Opera and Firefox.

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