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Copying and Pasting

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naomi24 | 18:26 Thu 21st Feb 2008 | Site Suggestions
78 Answers
Can someone please tell me how to copy and paste on threads in AB?

Thank you.


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And if you open Ab with Explorer you can still C&P the normal way instead of the quite frankly awkward way the rest of us have to?
Way-hay!!! Got it - it works - the 3-click version - I can sleep tonight. It's still all in 'chunks' though - you can't, well I can't select individual sentences.
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Practising .......

To label a hyperlink: naomi
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There you are - I haven't a clue what I'm doing. Figure, what am I doing? I put 'naomi' in, but how do I attach a website link?

China, are you watching this? If we're very lucky, the next lesson will be coming to a screen near you shortly.
Hey Naomi, I know they are good, but you don�t have to copy and paste all my replies. You occasionally write some good stuff too.

The 3 clicks thing only works in certain sections of the page for me. So I have to be orginal.
My throat is really, really bad today> I'm not even sure I'll make it for my lesson today.

Sympathy would be good.
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Now you're giving me ideas, Octavius. The next time I can't think of something to write, I'll pinch something of yours from the past. Oh yes!!!! Not wishing to sound big-headed, but I can copy and paste now, you know. (Hummph .......Shines fingernails on jacket).

Flipping heck, it must be bad, China. You're asking for sympathy rather than brandy!!
Oh it's bad Naomi- she's now going for the full sympathy vote- she's made a post in ChatterBank about it.

Talk about drama
I've only eaten ice cubes all day.
Naomi - I'm proud of you. Ok you now have the concept down except you must attach the website that YOU want as the link.

Instead of using "" , the given example in the explanation, use the actual website you need to link. Naomi, Boo, china - try it, this time using a different web site.

Hello Boo, China, Octavius!
Hope you feel better soon China. x
Oooh!!! Look what I did!! ^^^
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China, how did you do that?!!!!!!! (And her with a bad throat too B00 ... cough cough).

Grrrrrr ...... got to have a go ...... wait for this figure ........ bet I'll mess it up ..... into the corner with the dunces cap for me!!

Right ..... I'll be back.
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naomis disaster

Arrrgh ..... I'm pressing submit NOW!! Duck everyone!!!
Very good China! A star sticker for you!
And a cough sweety for your sore throat.

I am waiting Naomi ....

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No, that's done something peculiar - don't try it. I'll have another go.
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figure, when I click on those links I've posted, I get a warning message about the websites I've attached possibly asking for personal details. What am I doing wrong? Help!!
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Thanks for the sweetie... much needed!

I'm learning lots of new tricks lately.

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