"Microsoft VBScript compilation error '800a0401' Expected end of statement /users/LogIn_Panel.asp, line 490 RegistrationError = "<span class=""error"">You may only letters a-z, numbers 0-9 and hyphens in your username</span>"
Me neither Woofgang, except in the last week I have got timed out quite often when opening my profile. I note is is still happening today. I am too old to remember where I have made any comments on this site. I need 'My Profile'!!!
Question Author
I can't say I have missed being on here apart from the good humoured banter with a few people of course. Its the same thing day in and day out - nothing really changes. Mostly terribly boring, but it's nice 'seeing' a few old friends.
Fri 14/08/09
Just a couple of points:~
ABer's are getting this message both on IE and Firefox,so it's obviously an AB Fault.
This may have been said before,but if you are logged in to AB DO NOT log out as this fault may prevent you from logging in again.
It's obvious there is nobody at AB Towers watching AB over the weekend,I suppose we will have to wait till Monday (at least) for anything to be rectified.