Could I suggest Ed.Instead of removing an entire thread, you remove offensive posts only, thereby allowing the inoffensive posters to still have their say.
I think the Ed already does that in certain situations and will remove the thread, only if it appears to be taken over with multiple abusive posters.
I'm sure he will come on soon to clarify things for you.
I think it would be useful to see WHOSE post has been removed. On a lot of forums, the offensive poster's avatar is still there, next to the 'removed'-message.
We prefer a Stalin-era Russia "non-person" status to be bestowed on the troll. Maybe we could leave their smoking shoes?
We do remove single posts and posters, and sometimes this is non-disruptive. It would be nice to sometimes ban someone without banning all their questions however.
Kojak is correct - when a thread is "rotten," with abusive suers or created by an abusive user it is unlikely to survive a purge!