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Bbbananas | 07:51 Thu 29th Apr 2010 | Site Suggestions
54 Answers
Ok, I've changed my gravatar image on and it's all gone through as it should - however my old avatar is still showing on AB - how do I change it? I keep unchecking the box, and control F5ing or whatever, but I can't change my image. thanks x


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Your first avatar was rather nice. But your new one is much better
I see Chuck has dressed for the occasion.
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Is he a doctor who fan sara?!
I'm older than your son though Salla
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By the way, I like your control 5 avatar pic - have I ever told you that you remind me of Cher - at her best in Moonstruck & Mermaids.
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sara - the Cher comment was for you...
bob - ;-)
That's a really nice Photo of yourself salla ! No wonder Squad has the hots for you ! lol x
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Sqad gets hot over the thought of a cold shower with any woman.....
lol salla ! Agree
sal,. I think my avatar is the same as my profile pic. we're not all 2-faced ;o)

and thanks, I've been told Cher before.. can't really see it myself!
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my computer's always a bit behind - I was seeing zzxxee as just a black box for weeks. I can see your tattoo in the normal scheme of things, but control f5 thingy brings up your real self...
sallabananas what do you see in my picture ?
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DrF - I see.... a rather lovely shiny motorbike... and..... ooh ooh ooh - Pink Floyd! Nice one..
it has changed straight away
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why hasn't mine then? I must be clogged up, as chuck says I could be.... Pass the senna pods.....
So is the winky face a yes or no then Salla lol
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lol indeed.....
Still no answer. Hmmmmmm
Your Testosterone levels are going through the roof bobjugs ! Calm down man ! lol
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You are a horny young toad this morning bobs.... Down boy !!

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