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Bbbananas | 07:51 Thu 29th Apr 2010 | Site Suggestions
54 Answers
Ok, I've changed my gravatar image on and it's all gone through as it should - however my old avatar is still showing on AB - how do I change it? I keep unchecking the box, and control F5ing or whatever, but I can't change my image. thanks x


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Sorry folks. I've been in work for hours and I keep getting picked on
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Don't be daft - it's always good to have banter. You're a lovely guy bob, from what I've heard, read and seen xx
Cheers salla, so when do you get to take me out for a drink then?
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You don't know what a dangerous question that is.... I have a pretty high tolerance and capacity for alcohol... and a pretty dangerous reputation to match it up. I usually end up injured in some way or other... but I promise you, we'd have a damn good laugh!
What's your tipple?
If i'm drinking with a lady then i'll have a nice white wine. If i'm out socially then I'll drink everything (but I prefer JD and coke, John Smiths and Sambucca)
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I'm sure we could come to a mutually acceptable drinks order...
Me - red wine, very very chillled white wine, sloe gin, gin & tonic, JD & Coke, Disaronno & ice, Brandy Alexander and, if I'm feeling common - Old Speckled Hen or Guinness (draught). x
Old Speckled Hen, now your talking salla ! bobjugs get some real Ale down yourself, this gassy stuff is crap !
Redman, I like real ale, it's just the sort of pubs I frequent never have it, so I make do with the next best thing.
I do like a nice scotch every now and again though
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The one thing I just cannot drink is whiskey. JD yes, Southern Comfort yes - more of a bourbon drink. But whiskey makes me gag....
SO when are you next in either London or Portsmouth?
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Err... I'm in Portsmouth quite a lot actually, in fact maybe this Sunday & Monday. My BF moors his yacht in Port Solent marina.. ;-)
Your BF moors his yacht in Port Solent. Well I can't compete with that so I'll retire from the contest for your affections with my dignity intact. All I could offer was Weatherspoons for a beer and a burger on Sunday night.

Goodbye cruel world :(
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Nowt wrong with a beer and a burger bob... I can enjoy the cheap & simple as well as the expensive & flash... Variety is the spice of life ;-)
What would the BF with the yacht say? (He's not a Mafia don or drug baron is he?)

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