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Come On Ed,

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dothawkes31 | 10:47 Wed 23rd Jun 2010 | Site Suggestions
15 Answers
Get the England flag up you know it makes sense!


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ed's probably scottish
or Slovenian
Ed doesn't want to run the risk of being called a chav on here
omg...not a scottish tory..!(:O)
come on ENG╬LAND.
Question Author
No point starting a thread about England ed, unless you nail your flag to the mast!
Afternoon, Spare Here.

If we go through Dot I promise we will restyle the site in support of the team - just like this:

Spare Ed
don't bother, you'll be taking it down again in embaressment by about 3.45.
Why do we have the Nigeria flag in the top left corner?
That lings cars site looks awful. Who would buy from that?
I think the pure optimism of Ling shines through. He has hundreds of pages there - check out under "fun stuff".

Did you scroll all the way down the home page?

I found it here: http://www.blogstorm....op-10-worst-websites/

Please check out this one: Avoid the Panther! Make it through the door! Burn your eyes!

And web whizz on the list has become the Whiteface Dartmoor Sheep Association:

And finally, we were thinking this would be a good direction for AB:

Spare Ed
Holy smoke. My eyes are burning. It looks like someone has had a go at "Tomy's My First Website"
Question Author
don't be ridiclous, that's jst being opstreporous, jst fly the England Flag for the afternoon and stop being a wet blanket B00!!
I've never been opstreporous in my life dot!

Spare Ed
Question Author
ha ha
Question Author
ahem, get that flag up !!!

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Come On Ed,

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