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dothawkes31 | 19:22 Wed 23rd Jun 2010 | Site Suggestions
11 Answers
(14:22 on Wed 23/Jun/10) Afternoon, Spare Here.

If we go through Dot I promise we will restyle the site in support of the team - just like this:

Spare Ed


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the way it works Chuck is that I copy and paste a previous post by hilighting the text and selecting copy then paste from the drop down box under edit up in the top left of my window
the flag has even appeared yet
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I know they are impartially using the Nigerian flag, go figure....
can we have the stars and stripes up there please as we, I mean they, have topped the group and are on course for glory.
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why not? they used that chilean flag the other month or whatever it was,
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as long as they are not seen to be supporting England eh?
if AB can crack the American market they will make huge profits and the annual dividends payable to premium members will soar, so it is worth them doing a bit of flagwaving.
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you know full well as a fellow premium member, we'll not see a penny, I'm not as green as I am cabbage looking
true, but I liked the Lady Gaga DVD we got as part of the spring offer, with the deleted scenes with the scuba gear and the breadsticks and all.
You guys are great.

Maybe for the Germany game.

Spare Ed

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