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Books & Authors
I am completely in love with the twilight books. Are there any similar vampire stories that you may think will interest me? The twilight books are the first books i've ever read off my own back....
evening all, I am looking for new authors who will keep me reading and desperate to finish the book. My usual authors are Jodie Picoult, Julie Walters, Joanna Trollop, Kate Moss's two books plus a few...
Way back in the '70's I read a children's book which I think was titled "The Little Blue Horse" ( It's not Elizabeth Goudges' "The White Horse"). I vaguely remember that the story told the adventures...
I have the full 19 folders for the above, but am missing three/four issues. Does anybody know how i can go about getting the missing issues. Many thanks in anticipation.
I have a set of 8 " THE BOOK OF KNOWLEDGE" encyclopedias which my father gave me, i don't know exactly how old they are but it is a complete set. I believe they are from somewhere around the 1960...
Hi, can anyone remember reading books in which you could pick your own endings? Do you know the author?
I have 2 books Dream of ScipioPrinters C.Baldwin New Bridge Street London Printed 1824 Language is written in Greke Major Guilbert Edward Wynham Malet RHA used this book to study at Winchester...
I have a book that has no publishing dates or any type of indication of dates. Except that the publisher is "Books, Inc" New York & Boston. How do I find out the published date?
I have just finished reading Hawksmoor by Peter Ackroyd. I found it difficult to read - the olde english part that is! Who was responsible for the murders in modern day London - was it the ghost of...
looking for name of a book, thought it was 'the adventurers' 6 friends meet up in the Mediterranean go to the running of the bulls in pamploma spain, go to a hashish factory, two of the people are...
Which two characters in plays by Shakespeare are anagrams of one another?
Hi there. The vampire books from these authors.. what order do they go in? Silly question.. but i have no idea. lol.
What school did William go to (just William books)
It was given to me in the 1940s and was called 'Peter in Sweden'. It was a children's novel and was about a boy called Peter whose father was at sea and who was sent to stay with his relatives in...
A man becomes a vampire when he falls and cuts himself on a witch's grave (he doesn't realise this at the time). He slowly becomes a vampire without actually realising this is what's happening at...
Anyone know of what books by Johannes Lepsius are available in English?
Does any one know what order Doreen Tovey's cat books go in? 'Cats in the Belfry' is first i assume, but where do you go from there?
I'm looking for a poem by Patience Strong to use at a funeral. 'You never knew how you could face the years that loomed ahead; you did not know if you would have the strength to tread the lonely path...
Anyone know a website that has a copy of Spike Milligan's poem about Aberfan?...I'm not sure of the title. Ta Muchly.
The title has to contain a fruit- book title and author TGOW by JS and ACO by AB thanks