Stargazer, the 8 books in order for the Tales of the City series are:
Tales of the City
More Tales of the City
Further Tales of the City
Significant Others
Sure of You
Michael Tolliver Lives
Mary Ann in Autumn
Then there is Maybe the Moon and The Night Listener which aren't part of the series but some of the characters pop up from time to time. The Night Listener was made into a film and I've just ordered the DVD from ebay. I particularly enjoyed The Night Listener, which is in parts autobiographical, and very weird/scary. You'll be able to get them for £2/£3 each secondhand.
iluvespikey, apparently I have been nicknamed Mrs Madrigal by the guys in the flats where I live. I'm flattered, I think she was a good person, but I don't go around taping spliffs to their flat doors:-)