'A Walk in the Woods' got me making a trip up Mt. Washington with daughter! It was great to see where the path crossed the 'up' route. Anyone tried 'the one about his house here in UK? It's called 'At Home' or something like it, I'm too lazy to go and look. Terrific read.
jourdain.. it's called "At Home" and yes, I've got it. I've got all his books... in hardback. I hate paperbacks, they're ok for hols I suppose. Kindle? Nah, no thanks. Give me a REAL book any day.
pete... hope the book comes soon. You'll LOVE it.
I loved his Thunderbolt Kid book. An idyllic childhood.
The first one I read was his search for small town America, The Lost Continent(?), my kids decided that they and he shared a father, any trip had to have two qualities. It was educational and it was free! We too have driven miles out of our way in the States to see some miserable Historic Marker.
I've just read the first twenty pages, I'm sure we share a brain, his comments about the magazines encapsulate everything I think of the non-people from "reality" shows, not much makes me laugh out loud!
I'm hesitating to try it as although I found some of his books really hilarious (e.g. Notes from a Small Island, Notes on a Big Country, Neither Here Nor There, and Down Under) some others left me cold (e.g. A Walk in the Woods).
So I'm wondering whether this one is a HIT or a MISS. I think I'm going to wait until it's in my local library.