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words to a lullaby

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woofgang | 17:11 Fri 25th Mar 2005 | Arts & Literature
665 Answers

Does anybody know the rest of this lullaby?

"Do You want the stars to play with?

or the moon to run away with?

They'll be yours if you don't cry"

All google has come up with is an album by a canadian indie band!!




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l0.21 minutes Jno. Loved that puzzle.
Go away jude, that is so embarassing to me!
And just to confuse me even more Jno gives me a puzzle to do !
I'm useless at jigsaws but I'll have a go later .

Just come back from the hospital .Mr S may be able to come home this evening with any luck .It depends on his "irrigation " .. In other words if he can pee properly . I think it's only a half hour op and I've sent him with enough gear for a week. They said three or four days at least .

.Funny day here. Very mild and it was lovely and sunny earlier .I nearly got a deckchair out :) But it keeps clouding over now and the wind's chilly .
Hope you are all OK .I'm going to have a sarnie and a cuppa .I'm gasping .
See you all later .
hi shaney, well I'm weeing for Britain at the moment so if that's any help to mr s???

Damn puzzle; at 13.45 I had to leave it half done (yes) and couldn't save the bit that I had done, so now it's back to the beginning, oh and btw half of my pieces are missing, jno obviously didn't count them before she posted them!!!!
My first attempt at said puzzle looked like Picasso had had a go at it :-(
1.36 secs - (auto solve)
I'm not sure you qualify as a British weeing competitor any longer neti.

Fingers crossed for mr s shaney xx

Cloudy here too now, I don't know what to do with myself today, everything's an effort
Hi, I'm here.

Just been a bit busy with things.

Hope you get Mr S back this evening Shaney! Great News.

Cordodyl took all the skin off the inside of my mouth. I have been told to mix it 50/50 with water in future, but I still don't trust it. I used it for infected gums and ended up in a real mess.

Have had an offer for the land subject to a few things, but we are almost there!!

Am still rushing about a bit, but will catch up later.

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17:19 miss miss Neti cheated (thwacks Neti)
Glad Mr S is okay
I've got things mixed up haven't I Shaney. Hope Mr S. comes home soon and is ok.
Just got back from school and now my Plumber is coming round to put me an outside tap in. I must have been in school when it was cloudy Robi as it's quite sunny now with some blue sky. Tomorrow will be another fill me up with chips day again as on Wednesday I'm going again to see if I can get the right blood test done. I really hope my sugar level is down then because I will know that the way I've been eating will have been the right way. If not I don't know what I'll have to do.
Good grief Jno ..30.14 mins .I kept losing a piece down the back of the sofa .
<<< double thwacks woofy >>> teacher is please that I used my initiative!! so I got a sweetie!!!
I have always hated jigsaws with a vengeance ever since I was a little girl. I daren't attempt that puzzle I just took one look and gave up!!!
I love jigsaws, I've got a lot up in the cupboard & I can't bear to put them in a charity bag...just done the hot air ballonns on here - the hard option
gah, what happened to my post... wat I was trying to say was go to the homepage

and they have hundreds of jigsaws (rather nice pictures too). If they're too hard, click on Change Cut and opt for fewer pieces. I may do a few dozen more as it looks like rain again.
Mr N loves jigsaws, we bought him the 3d Empire state building which was very hard, it had four sides and stood over a meter tall. Then we bought him a round one by round I mean circular ball shape, that was so hard but he did it eventually! I pretend I am too busy!!!
Well I managed the six piece one! So there.

Kindly elderly aunts always gave me jigsaws for Christmas and I always was so disappointed. I just didn't touch them.

My elderly neighbour loves them and does those huge ones with thousands of pieces. I just can't see the point of doing something that you have to destroy!!

Funnily enough Master LL was just the same as a child - he hated them too.

Just wondered how Mr SS is, but obviously no news yet from Shaney.

It's been a long day and I have been a busy bee, so will be off to bed very shortly.

Night, night!!

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My fil does wasgijs. The picture on the box is what the people in the jigsaw can see.....I know....weird or what
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Ps I enjoyed the jigsaw site thank you
I quite like doing jigsaws .I remember when I packed up work doing them but not those huge ones . I think 750 pieces was about my limit .We had some nice ones with trains and nostalgia pics and one was a picture of an old fashioned shop .They used to while the time away .
I bought one for my brother for his birthday a while back .It was all baked beans :)
I've bookmarked that site Jno . Very good .If you don't see me for a while you'll know I've got in a muddle with the sky ..

MR S is still in hospital and will be at least until Wednesday .They say this op may only have a 70% success rate and the surgeon told him there wasn't much prostate tissue to scrape away .So I don't know . He may have to have permanent self catheterisation if he can't go under his own steam .I'm hoping he can or he'll be like a bear with a sore arse .
He was cheerful enough though when I went up there this evening .He's in the minor ops ward with one other chap and says it's nice and quiet and hopes they don't move him !
It's orf to bed for me ..... I'm whacked out .
Night night all .Sleep tight .xxx

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