Anyone read a 'self help' type of book thats actually helped?
I have read quiet a few over the years (I read everything) that have been recommended or that ive come across and thought it looked interesting. On the whole I've thought that while some looked promising at first glance, they delivered very little. One example was Alan Carrs 'easy way to stop smoking'.
All the book boiled down to in the end was smoking is bad for you so stop it.
Another example was 'Feel the Fear and do it Anyway'. The author then spends a couple of hundred pages waffling just to tell the reader to feel the fear and do it anyway....
Anybody read a life changer?
The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle. How to leave the bad things in the past and not let them affect the rest of your life. The best bit is how to clear your mind if you can't sleep. Switch off the things swimming round your head and be in 'the now'. Works every time with me, asleep in minutes!
The first one helped me come to terms with absolutely crippling anxiety attacks - helping to understand them & devising some practical strategies to cope with (and eventually eradicate) them. It was a long haul, but the book was a critical factor in getting there.
The second one is much lighter stuff - but it does help 'get you going' when life seems stalled for some reason.
Hi nailit, I'd like to suggest 'Mood Mapping' by Dr Liz Miller. Actually written for people with Bipolar disorder, it discusses the 5 areas of your life which must be addressed, so you may find yourself so busy with it that you don't have time to worry about anything else! (You should find it in your local municipal library). Best wishes. Kev.
The only life changing book I have read is "You'll get over it" by Virginia Ironside. Its about the reality of bereavement.
IMO any self improvement book that has "Easy", "Simple" "xxx Steps", "Secrets" or any kind of snappy maxim in the title is not going to be worth the paper its printed on or the battery power used to read it if its an e book.
Agreed woofgang. Anything Virginia Ironside writes is worth a look I think. A couple of years ago she gave some good advice to anyone thinking they might be drinking too much alcohol which helped me.