Chuck Berry Rip in The AnswerBank: Arts & Literature
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Chuck Berry Rip

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Zacs-Master | 22:18 Sat 18th Mar 2017 | Arts & Literature
28 Answers
One of the greats gone. 90 tho so no regrets I'm sure
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Wow, RIP Chuck.
RIP Chuck Berry.
Rest easy, Chuck.
So sad - a legend is gone.
I'm beginning to feel old! Definitely R.I.P. Chuck------may we all meet again in a big party in the sky.
The ding-a-ling is now silenced.
Jack - what a lovely little epitaph.
RIP Chuck, thank you.
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Wow, I didn't realise he was still living, he lived to a good age.R.I.P Chuck.
Very sad news, RIP Chuck.
Another one gone, RIP Chuck.
Married 68 years . 90 years old and a great performer,.
RIP the singer of one of the coolest movie moments of all time with You Never Can Tell in Pulp Fiction
He has left such a legacy! Sweet Little Sixteen, Johnny B Good, Maybelline, Roll Over Beethoven, but we will forget My Ding a Ling!
A true legend - rock as we know it wouldn't have happened without him. RIP Chuck.
one of the great popular artists of the 20th century.

It was a teenage wedding, and the old folks wished them well
You could see that Pierre did truly love the mademoiselle
And now the young monsieur and madame have rung the chapel bell,
"C'est la vie", say the old folks, it goes to show you never can tell.

Brilliant lyrics
No messin with Ol'Chuck Berry
He was known as the first Artist to demand his money before he went on stage,which quickly caught on
He had a tremendous influence on so many Musicians
RIP Chuck Berry,a true Legend!
Married 68 years . 90 years old and a great performer,.

no messin with Chuck Berry

how true how true

here is my fave viddie of him - a memory of 1972 in fact
but not surprisingly there is a copy on the internet

watch and enjoy

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