Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare
In case you have more question on the play, I am including a lot more information that I hope will be useful to you.
I have found 10+ summaries for you to look at, via the links below.
http://www.absoluteshakespeare.com/guides/caes ar/caesar.htm
http://www.clicknotes.com/JC_Navigator/index.h tml
http://www.antistudy.com/search.php?title=Juli us+Caesar
http://cummingsstudyguides.net/xJuliusCae.html #Julius
http://www.pinkmonkey.com/booknotes/monkeynote s/pmJuliusCaesar02.asp
These links will give you a summary of the book, character analysis, plot and much more, so that you will be able to answer literary questions. Here is a short extract of what you can expect from the summaries.
Brutus believed the action was necessary to prevent Caesar from becoming dictator-for-life, meaning that all power would reside in Caesar and not in the delegates representing the people. In Shakespeare�s play, Brutus�s nobility and idealism gain the audience�s sympathy. But in the ancient Roman world of