help please if possible. i am trying to find a book written by a Marjorie Jolley, who was a medium / spiritualist of some repute in the Higher Ince area of Wigan, the book was titled something like "Around Every Corner" or "A Look Round The Corner" - something along these lines. i am trying to find the book for my sister-in-law who loaned har copy to someone years ago, and as often happens it wasn't returned, i have tried Amazon Books with no success and at present i have posted a 'help find' on Wiganworld, would really appreciate any possible help - meantime my sister-in-law is i think trying local libraries - fingers crossed.
hi again greengoddess (strewth look at the time i think i am the world's worst sleeper) thanks again for your info' - and thanks to that correct spelling have now traced copies on 'amazon' so sister-in-law (and myself ((think i will get copy)) will now be sorted. really grateful to you - just hope i can be of service sometime. cheers !