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Right sit tight, this is my story, In 1989 I moved ionto a Residential Home Owned and run by 2 men and 2 women who all usd to work at The Star Centre in Cheltenham, after a while for some reason one of the Men was got rid of by the others then the other Man was accused of Physical asbuse by one of the Residents and was told by Sociasl Serviceds if he didn't go the Home would be closed and he went, afew years later one of the women sold her share to a different lady (I use the term in its loosesed sence). shortly after the second owner gave her share to the lady "No money changed hands" she kept on saying. anyway from 2001 the "Lady" kept the place going and in 2003 decided that in 2004 the place would close so she could change the usage, I told my mum who was very ill at the time Oct 2003 and meantime a Membver of staff said it would be great if I employed him as my Carer, which seemed a good idea as My Mum was ill and it would solve problems but It has been hard fgor him to adjust to not being able to dictate to me and the standards required in a Residential Home are not very high and he is clumsy so as My Mum needs help with me when his probationary period was over we decided to take him as a challenge, I think of him as Gladys Miss Marple's Maid, both sides still fvind things difficult but he is a help to my mum and he knows that and itg means I can stay at Home. Unfortunately onced a year a Social Worker comes and I have a review and a I am asked if \I like him which to me is a stupid question because either I do or there is a reason why wee keep him, All this is financed withb the help of a Charity and a Government ruling saying didabled people shoulkd be given the opportunity to live at home, unfortunately it is a postcode lottey, I am allowed 24 hour care , band my Aunt who lives in Leicestershire and has MS only gets 3 hours a day