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Hi Smudge, as you've no doubt gathered, Autumn is my favourite season and though I too like to trundle through the sad and beautiful fallen leaves, I haven't quite got them right yet. You say that First Snow is one you like, but look at the right hand side and you will see a pathetic image of a bare tree, which is why I tend to smother my trees in foliage, though I hope to do the colours justice. Spring and Summer are difficult seasons as they are full of green and for me, there are so many greens and they are difficult to replicate and though Autumn is my fave season, I do not paint it as an easy cop out though Autumnal colours are easier to produce from pure colour, i.e. less mixing straight from the tube. As well as bare trees, I have trouble with hedgerows too, cos they're full of bits rather than walls, which are full of blocks, which is why I do more walls, but I will work out how to do hedgerows...cos they're important. If you aint got the plasticine (plasty for short) let me know and I'll give you details. Keep up the creativity.