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The slang phrase 'pussy whipped' could be used to describe a character I need to write about.

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sandyRoe | 07:25 Mon 06th Sep 2010 | Arts & Literature
20 Answers
Is it a term I should use in an essay?


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and the sentence you are going to use it in is ........
Only if it's the sort of essay aimed at those who understand urban-speak - otherwise it might be misconstrued, or cause offence. (or get the Cats' Protection League on your tail...)
but if it's for school then no I wouldn't use it
Is this prep school, or have you moved on to senior school, where the teachers will be more open minded ?
no, I wouldn't either !! didn't know it had anything to do with cats !!
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JJ, it's for the OU.
It *might* be acceptable

Context please?
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A historian is describing the relationship of Cleo + Tony.
If it's generally describing a man's behaviour in your essay, then could you not use a simile such as "underdog" or "cowed in her presence" ? (I have only just realised that these are animal references too....!)
"Totally awed by Cleo" "putty in her hands"...?
glad you mentioned OU sandy, I hadn't pictured you in short pants up till now.

yeah, I reckon Cleo might have tried it on with Tony, don't know how far she'd have got, though.
sandy - can you hang on until molly is up - not sure what grade she got in English mind
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ttfn, lol.
I'm not sure if a teenager would be the best source of advice with this. I'll probably not use it...
^ I wouldn't bet on today's yoof sandy ;o)
Chambers Dictionary describes it as vulgar slang and the reason is that it has, of course, nothing whatever to do with cats! It started life as American military slang for hen-pecked, so why not just use that fine old English variant?
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'Hen pecked' conjures up images of a little man being bossed around by a big wife. 'Pussy whipped' suggests a man so infatuated that he would do anything, risk anything, for the love of his life.
I'll have a look in the thesaurus for an alternative.
uxorious? (Stricly speaking you need to be married)
Some might take it as meaning vulgar. You could perhaps use it (pussy whipped), but put the meaning of it as a footnote.
I certainly would not use any slang term in an academic essay
I would say it's appropriate in the context of someone using the vernacular eg. if there is a character in your essay that has been set up as a person that would use a term like this.
eg. Derek was a person renowned for his use of terms like "pussy whipped" when ordered around by females.

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The slang phrase 'pussy whipped' could be used to describe a character I need to write about.

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