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Body & Soul
Welcome to Body & Soul: for Health, Healing and Help!Disclaimer: Information here is only advice from other members and must not be taken as professional guidance.
Please refrain from being rude, abusive or judgemental - members come here for advice, not judgement! Members who offer only moral judgement will be suspended.
I have just run out of their Ombré Smoky eyeshadow pencil 002 and cannot see it online is a nice dark brown automatic pencil.. can anyone recommend a substitute?? Thanks all. Don't... ...
Is there a bug going round? Throat feels a bit swollen, possibly from all the coughing although not sore. Don't feel ill apart from the pesky coughing, waking me up at night ..
Always I feel there's something missing in my life until I remember the answer bank 🥰
Some information about how much my mobility issues will get worse Cheers Frank
News today - the disease is B Cell leukaemia which is NOT the commonest leukaemia in children ( common-ALL, is) and the future is ( was )pretty dismal All the commentators are saying Balaena (... ...
If antihistamines help chronic rhinosinusitis with polyps, is it definitely an allergy causing it? Had this persistent thing for over a decade, have to constantly take meds. However all allergy... ...
What's your opinion on this please ?
https:/ / eanswer .uk/Bod y-and-S oul/Que stion18 29683.h tml...
?update on your facial problem.
Can you pop over here!
https:/ / eanswer .uk/Bod y-and-S oul/Que stion18 12455.h tml#ans wer-133 72803
Per the worldometer the number of UK covid infections is about 19.5m . I've tried to find out what the number is per the Zoe app and while you can find a chart headed "This chart shows the number of...
Have you got your thyroxine problems solved?
I've just started dating a guy and hes struggling with his emotions,I've tried calming him down but he wont,I think it's getting to him since its been 9yrs since he's started dating again,I don't know...
Hi, i'm 15 and i'm not writing with my real name as i dont want my mom to figure it out I've used sarms (rad140) for 5 months (20mg per day) and the last 2 months of it combined with dbol (30mg per...
Any advice leasde...
I’ve discovered the average amount of antibodies made after having the covid vaccine and thought it was interesting: 1 jab- 36.5 2 jabs- 949.5 Infection - 37.4 This is from York Labs. However I only...
I do a lot of weight lifting and overall have a good physique with very defined muscles overall. However, on my stomach and round my face/neck area there are little bits of fat that I can pinch. There...
What was the outcome of your Dr's consultation re. your CKD.staging and Ibuprofen?
keep getting this popup
update .supremo what is it...
Question: Which of the following correctly pairs the successional event with the type of succession it represents? (SELECT ALL THAT APPLY) A- Land-use change (ex. abandoned agricultural land); primary...