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Welcome to Body & Soul: for Health, Healing and Help!

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Candy floss
hey Although I have managed to loose around 30kgs with help of exercise, what troubles me is the sagging tummy and arms.I think this is because although the fat withing my body has decreased but the...
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Does anyone have any experiences to share of Botox? Did you find it effective, unbearably painful, or a complete waste of money? I'm debating having it in my forehead and between the eyes - I have...
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I know someone who is a drinker who has high cholesteral. I have told him that alchohol gives you high but to be honest i have no idea if it does. Does anyone know if it does? Thanks
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what is the limeted amount of weight that can be put on a tanning bed?
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How much of your internal Organs can you lose and live normally?I know you can lose up to 40% of your small intestine, but how much of other organs can you lose? and How much of your total bodymass...
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hi my gran has bowel stomach and pacreas cancer. she has been sent home from hospital and is bedridden with no strength or energy. she is getting alot of pain from her pancreas but not yet on...
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can someone catch a cold from drinking out of the cup of a person who has the cold already?
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Is it true that everyone on here is a pathetic loser with nothing to do but sit on the internet all day?
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Has anyone tried the zone healthy eating lifestyle? did it work for you?
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Has anyone taken this regularly, and what health benefits have you found from it? Has drinking it made anyone ill or is is just an all round good supplement to take in juice form?
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Why do people chose to crack their knuckles?
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im on the pill i started taking it when i had a period . my period was like a brown discarge does that happen
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Has anyone tried WATERFALL D-MANNOSE and does it work? For those interested in knowing what it is:-
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does woman have visual stimulation to male body? we men have visual stimulation to all parts in female body from head to toes,does woman have also visual sensation to male body , and which parts are...
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who will die first from our class?
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is god real?
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alayna herd
i talk so fast how can i stop this
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paul palmer
sticky ears he had had this for weeks and when he bends forward he goes giddy heavy head this has started since he had fly jab he is 74
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paul palmer
sticky ears he had had this for weeks and when he bends forward he goes giddy heavy head this has started since he had fly jab
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Just about to try this Pill, anyone else use it?

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