How about a thumbs up .................? in The AnswerBank: Site Suggestions
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How about a thumbs up .................?

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Mick-Talbot | 18:57 Sat 21st May 2011 | Site Suggestions
28 Answers
like they have on youtube.
no thumbs down for comments you don't like , just a thumbs up for the ones yo do like?
Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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I asked for a "like" type of button and the Ed said they were working on it.. about 6 months ago!
-- answer removed --
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Heartily concur (thumbs up in other words)
Agreed, as long as we can have the two finger and middle finger salute too.
I would like a "mark as best post" option
what, for all of us to use cazzz, not just the OP as at present?
I only typed my suggestion to look like a bigshot

I would like a like button
I would like a 'sod off' button............
Nah, Ed comes on and says that, craft ;-)
Sounds a good idea Mick....However, perhaps it is too advanced for AB when it can't even get the 'best answer' button to work properly.

Nevertheless, I wish to shake Chuck's hand for his typographics and would like to see him produce a few more along the lines of B00's wishes; with which I concur.

I couldn't possibly do that...
……..…../´¯/)……….. (\¯`\
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.\…………….\/…/….\. ..\/……………./
..\…………….. /……..\……………..…/
….\…………..(………. ..)……………./
I have never understood what that best answer button is for, anyway - only the OP can see it, I pressed it once and it made no difference to the thread, the poster wouldn't know I thought it was best.
oh chris... well done.
^^chuck, now it's your turn to get in the way, na na ;-)
Chuck. Clever Clogs! (Only jealous)
Chuck....Classical computer keyboard compilations .

boxtops.....I have been searching (without any luck) for the thread in which the Ed admitted that, at the moment, the 'button' does nothing.....but it is being worked upon.

You wont find it Ron, I put that I thought Eds answer to AOG was funny and it went.
I would like the buttons suggested by Bobbies and craft... I would also suggest a 'bemused look' or 'one eyebrow raised' button.... I tend to read some posts on here with either one of those expressions.
Thanks treetops for having clarified matters.

Perhaps the Ed (or Spare) was embarrassed by his own remarks.!!


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