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Hair styler

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shaneystar2 | 20:23 Tue 29th Nov 2011 | Beauty
1241 Answers
I'm looking for a new hair styler . My old Nicky Clarke has given up .
Well ,let's say it went ..bang ,and I jumped abut a lot :)
What I want is a hot brush type thing ..not a straightener ..just one of those ones that give your hair a bit of bounce . Like a blow dry brush but electric .
Any recommendations......thank you .


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I'll take anything free or cheap! Have been squashed to within a foot from the floor, stomach does seem to get in the way, I am sure it is not just mine, looking at other fat women in the queue I am the thinnest. My white shirt looked decidedly grubby when hanging on the peg, its clean but need a hot wash methinks, the nurse mist likely thinks I am from the country and pull up water from the well.
I have not abandoned biddies, I am actually catching up on household chores and been working in the garden whilst I feel relatively fit. I shall probably be absolutely zonked tomorrow. Take care all of you - no lusting please!!!! xxx
Oh booger I'm so tired, I've been plate spinning... a bit o' this... a bit o' that... none of the other :) and all with a nagging sinus headache, tut. It's going to be an easy peasy tea for me tonight.
Go easy on the speedy pizzas jno, the taste tester's verdict is still up in the air...

Well from his pic I think Mr S is rather nice shaney, he looks to have a calm air about him....oh, ok, except when he's doing his forms, then it's a blue air.

Oh heck neti, do you need re-inflating? I've got an old balloon pump under the stairs.
No thank you Robi, mine still have a natural bounce, just bounce a bit lower now that's all, and bounce off my knees when walking ha ha!!
Oh praise the Lord, Mr N has arrived in time to convey hija to her place of work, as it is getting rather stormy and I am frit summat orful of driving in the a) rain, b) wind 3) dark 4) in general!
♫...head and shoulders, knees and..... boobs....knees and boobs...♫


Oh Robi you do make me laugh, what would we do without you??

White washing and tea towels are now bubbling away in the washing machine, I was ashamed!!!

Am back on hija's sony vaio and I love it, cos I can now watch BBC/ITV you name it I can watch it and a big screen!! Yaaay!!
On windows 7 on a sony vaio in spain where is the character map???
natural bounce....naturally no way, I need a little help from St Michael.
ooh washing is bright white I really must do this more often. It was a 60º wash and took 3 and a half hours but is a 7kilo drum, too long!!!!
Tipping down outside lucky Mr n has to collect hija at 1am, if it was down to me she would had to stay there the night, can't drive in this weather! Have hung all white washing in the laundry room as dirty rain and it may get stained if hanging under the patio, obviously as soon as Mr N goes out it will be in the tumble dryer!!!!
damn damn damn and now my English TV on computer is down for maintenance, so can't even watch my recordings. And cos of the rain all <I can get on Sky in bedroom ish Shameless and I really don't like it!
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Are you all Persil white now Neti ?
Just watched Room at the Top .Quite good ,pretty steamy actually .Lots of bazooms and bare bums on show .
I think I'll zoom off to bed and let it all hang out :)
Oight Oight .
Oh yes shaney absolutely spotless and dazzling!

me too. oight oight all xxx (although mine is already hanging loose!)
can't sleep, fed up.
Morning all...chilly but bright so I'd better get my whites a-flappin' shortly.

Oooh yes, Room at the Top was a bit naughty. Sometimes though we need a bit of 'gritty' seen through a haze of fag smoke (can we say fag?), some of the dramas have become a bit twee.

Oh dear woofy, hope you slept after your last post. I couldn't stay awake last night, I went to bed just after 9 and I know I was asleep before half past. Trouble is I woke up every couple of hours after that, I try not to fall asleep before 11.30 as a rule. Now I've got my sinus head back...oh pe po belly.
P'raps it's the full moon...
<<< harvest moon tonight actually.
For my dog loving Biddiefriends. Junior LL sent it to me this morning.
That's amazing Lottie, clever dog and clever owner. Finally went to sleep at 2.30 and had terrible dreams. Yes the moon was beautiful last night, Rab did his hunting round the garden game at about 1 am. I am okay, just got a head full of thoughts. Sis arrives on tuesday which will be lovely.
jno jnr wants an Alsatian. He is living in a top floor flat but insists it will get out and get plenty of exercise. Message from gf is: not while my cat is alive. But cat is very old and getting unwell.

We are going to Spain next week (not the flooded bit)
What will jno jnr do when doggie has the runs and needs to go out in the middle of the night every 30 minutes or so? AND doggie feels unwell and cant manage the stairs? (is it an upstairs flat?)
If he wants a dog in an upstairs flat or anywhere without a garden, i'd have a small one

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