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Hair styler

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shaneystar2 | 20:23 Tue 29th Nov 2011 | Beauty
1241 Answers
I'm looking for a new hair styler . My old Nicky Clarke has given up .
Well ,let's say it went ..bang ,and I jumped abut a lot :)
What I want is a hot brush type thing ..not a straightener ..just one of those ones that give your hair a bit of bounce . Like a blow dry brush but electric .
Any recommendations......thank you .


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I should learn to read properly Neti, I thought you had checked your sisters in in the hospital!!

Have a lovely time with them and I hope you are really enjoying your sister's stay Woofy.

Robi, they will probably decide next year that HRT gives you something or other and reverse the decision again!! I only took it for a month or so with dire consequences.

Life without any medications would be just great. Oh to be young again.

Have potted the shrubs and planted some tulip bulbs. They came free with some ornamental onions which I am not planting until the end of the month which is apparently the best t ime.
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Hello all
It's been a beautiful day here .
Lovely picture Neti ,glad they arrived safely and enjoy your time together .

I've trundled to the bladder clinic where they seem pleased , muscle tone has improved they reckon and don't have to go back for three months .I must lay off coffee and tea of which I drink gallons and have decaff ( bleugh). May as well drink no coffee as to drink that !

Hope you feel a bit easier today Lofty .I wouldn't phone either .If they were going to make a fuss I daresay they would have done so by now .

Funny about the sinusses ,my eyes have been streaming again today and I'm bunged up .The sun was really bright in my eyes and I had a job to see where I was going men were cutting the grass verges as I trudged along ..but I've never suffered from hayfever really .
It's another medical mystery .
Lovely pic neti, your legs don't look blue and veiny. I wish it was that warm here.
I seem to have suddenly developed spider veins around my ankles and I hate it...old lady feet, eek!

It could be someone pumping crip into the air so we all spend a fortune on otc remedies for sinus problems... I blame the government, for everything... mumble ....they even invade my bloomin dreams! :)
I missed your photo before Neti. Sorry. You are so very photogenic. Lovely happy photo.

Robi, I have those veins around my ankle area - yuk! (and blue areas on my legs too!!!)

Took these photos just before it got dark tonight. Taken in our front garden. I need take the flowers up before I put some bulbs in - but I can't bring myself to do it - so will be planting bulbs in the middle of winter.


Oight oight xxxx
Haven't read back...we went out and ate too much lunch then came home and ate tooooo much dinner and watched the second and third episodes of the Paradise.....much better than i thought it would be.
oh, lovely flowers, Lottie. I've been out hacking away at bits of hawthorn, not nearly so rewarding.

I couldn't see neti looking blue and veiny, though she sounds like a fine roquefort. The photo actually seemed to be shot through a fine Chablis
woody, have lost email addy so left message on cb page. X
Cb? Fb.
Woody? Stupid phone.sorry woofy
Morning all...for a moment I thought neti was talking in her sleep there.
It's so dark here I'd need the light on if I was doing anything important.... as if :)

They're lovely flowers Lottie, I'd be hesitant about hoicking them out too. I only emptied one tub and replaced the plants with pansies ...well, it's a galvanised bucket actually, it developed a hole so it's not much good for soaking me drawers in. I still can't bear to do one with a pretty geranium in it and another with a big pot 'mum. You have to be ruthless to be a gardener.

S'pose I'd better don my caving lamp and do something, cupboard tidying probably...whoop de doo.
Hello knee deep in computery paperwork here as I mentioned earlier, but having success which is good. Neti, thank you for your message x. We are taking sandwiches to the seaside today as a reward for getting the last bits back in the attic. My Sis really is a star!! Laters all
Ps lottie, I love your shaggy asters
One and a half hours at dentist for ONE filling, my goodness, and the pain! Had to be injected 3x as it wouldn't numb, ad the she draped a green rubber thing over the mouth with a hole for the tooth, just like a surgical procedure, then drill etc for hurs, my jaws couldn't close afterward, took paracetamol and at last the pain is going.

Just cooking 2 curries for sisters at al. I need my siesta but the4y are bright and breezy so I'll just sit there and nod at them!
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Ooh dear Neti ,painful ..I hope it soon eases off .
Hope you are all ok otherwise .Nothing much doing here . I've been round my brothers all afternoon .My SiL gave me some sewing machine lessons ..haha ..I think it went in one ear and out the other .We had a laugh though .
The sausage rolls and coffee ( and a nip out of my bros whisky bottle and general chuntering ) was far more interesting :)
What was a lovely day has gone down the pan rapidly and it's dull ,dark and raining now .
Lovely colourful flowers Lofty .I would leave them as long as possible .I'm still hanging on to me hardy fuchsias .I know I ought to cut them back before the frosts but there's still loads of blooms on them .
Biddyfriends bonne soirée. Juste un petit bonjour et au revoir. Je pars demain.
J'espère que vous avez tous une bonne semaine et se conservent bien.
En passant, vous avez un beau jardin Lottie.

Rendez-vous plus *** crocodile (s).

Jude x
no way am I going to spend my weekend making conserves, but have a great time, Jude!
Blimey, we've gone continental.

Don't like the sound of your dentist Neti. I would have been up and away. I have no fear of dentists, and have more crowns, bridges and fillings, etc. than I do teeth. Not once have I actually been hurt at the dentist. Discomfort yes, but not pain. Hope you feel OK tomorrow.

Enjoy yourself Jude!! Amusez-vous bien à Paris x

Oight, Oight biddies.

Me sitting on a sandcastle village.
Neti's the queen of the castle,
Get down you dirty Rascal!!

I have sent you all an email. Apologies if it has weird things in it.
Nothing weird in it at all. Understood it all perfectly. Yay I am sane!

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