Evenin' all..what a fabulous day it's been. Spent some of it at Trent Lock...it was lovely when we first got there, nice and quiet...and then all the bloomin world and his wife and kids turned up so we moved on to the marina. tut...don't you just hate the public who go out on nice days. I can understand why people on the coast don't like grockles :)
Actually we probably could have gate crashed 3 functions ..there was a wedding at the church with a red London bus for the guests...a wedding anniversary do in the pub...and a wedding renewal at the marina (we sat in an arbour and spied on that one :))
Anyway we did a bit of sailing, not quite a cruise to Hampton court but we ran into a bit of bother
I can't find a suitable badge so I've chosen <<< that handsome fella who kindly posed at my feet for me as my avatar.