My nails are very strong but brittle, the slightest knock and they break at the sides really low down. Get some nail glue from ebay and use the smallest drop onto a cocktail stick, then onto the break. It is very strong. It will probably go all around the underneath of your nail and feel odd, but this will wear off and the glue will stay on the nail. This should stop the nail breaking off until it gets a bit longer. Use a strengthener on top when the glue dries. Another tip when your nails get longer and break at the sides. A dob of nail glue. Tiny piece of teabag, yes teabag over the glue. Another small dob of nail glue over the teabag. When it dries it creates a very strong webbing which doesn't break again. Might need filing over the top to smooth it, you will get used to it and it becomes much tidier after doing this a few times ! My nails are lovely and long now and full of teabags on all sides . Really !