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Eyebrow threading

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shaneystar2 | 16:18 Wed 24th Oct 2012 | Beauty
1904 Answers
Have any of you ladies had this done ?
I was in town this morning and there was a stand in the shopping centre and they were doing eyebrow threading for a fiver .I dithered :)
Does it hurt ? My eyebrows are nowhere near as thick and dark as they used to be these days but I was wondering if it might make them "look" neater and thicker.


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woo...noticed I've just clocked up the 1000th answer in the salon. better shout up NETI! I'm on the previous page, talking about something you love!
11:57 Tue 27th Aug 2013
Snap Robi I am sporting blue toe nail varnish, I love it, last week I tried sparkly orange, and scarlet, but blue is my fav at the moment, it is very shiney!
It is actually supported.
hope you've put a base coat on neti or you'll have blue stained nails!
This is mine...
oh you sneaked in there, sorry. It doesn't look too bad, how big is that pot? I've got a lilliput cottage similar to that and it's tiny. :) I used to grow my toms in those black bucket that florists use, they're about 9 or 10 ins across the top...they sold them off for about 10/20p. Start to feed as soon as the toms start to form and don't let it sit in water in that tray.
Re my last post - I shou d have said if I'm lucky enough to go again to Paris:)

Sorry I can't join in fully with the plant talk. I'd love to but I just can''t remember names and the like.
avoid heat? That's a lot of good for Ibiza, then.

Having brief spells of sunshine here and boy, is it hot when it does appear. Dug out another couple of roots this morning; the leaves on them were too small to photograph, though. I'm so hypersensitive to them I can now detect them when they're only thinking of sprouting. But the stuff on a couple of the bigger ones (it was Growing Success bramble killer, supposed to deal with suckers and roots) seems to have worked, at least above the surface, so we'll have to see if it really does kill the roots too... I expect one day soon a mighyt willow will crash to the ground four gardens along.
that's all right, jude, I never know the names in the first place. Roses I can do, and Mexican orange blossom, as we have a few here (OH's idea), but that's about it.
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Morning all
It's a sunny one on and off so far , a bit breezy .We had some rain in the night but nothing to write home about really and it was much cooler for sleeping .
No thunderstorms as yet either .Hope you are all ok .
I like the varnish ,very swish .You'll need matching eyeshadow Robinia :)
oh, just seen your post, robinia... no, those leaves look a lot longer and thinner than what we're getting. It's hard to know because the garden next door is a jungle, not used at all, but it's mostly brambles growing in there by the look of it. If poisoning a few leaves does kill off their entire wilderness, I can live with that.

Hmmm... do you need eyebrows to match the nails?
In that case jno, and if you're not worried about anyone suing you for shrubbicide, carry on doing what you're doing.

oh heck, haha, I haven't worn blue eye shadow since the 70s. I don't think I've ever had blue nails before...well, not since a Quink incident at school...but there are some things you have to do at least once before you pop off....and some things you definitely don't.
well of course, one only uses blue as a base layer, like priming a canvas
Oh what a fab day we have had. Went to Playa den Bossa ( and best beach in Ibiza) but knew enough to go to the far thin end where there is lots of room and the sea is clear and not too deep for a while, we hopped and swam, and my lovely turquoise swimsuit from Bon March, well it is quite old, but as I frollicked in the sea, the cossie got longer and longer a bit like a knitted one but it's normal elasticated. I had to keep gathering up the folds, felt a right nana. Won't wear that again, and I sunbathed and even got staps marks. Then we went to a hidden restaurant called Pata Negra (Black Paw) I was a bit dubious at first, but the food was ace, so good, I even had grilled prawns (thought of shaney) and they were delicious, also had goats cheese salad, walnuts and raisins in it. A lully bottle of pink lponk and a bottle of casera (sort of lemonade). The people there were all locals or knuckle draggers and strange and although in the midst of a booming brit holiday area, no brits in sight. Loved it and shall go there again! Jumped in pool on returning home, then showered and washed all towels and and swim things. am a tad worn out.
^^^ tut all that rich livin'....just tend to your toms neti and eat them on a ryvita.

eek! nail art! How are you supposed to have fabulous nails when you've got garden hands? I've been snipping (weather turned out fabulous, 23C, just right)..I seem to have got carried away
oh well, if you want something for your green fingers
ooh, very dramatic for a night out but I hope my new dentist isn't wearing it when I see him/her next month.
I have two nail varnishes like that but in mauve/purple, but alas my nails are nothing like that so I do not paint them.

Just hung out my cossie and all the elastic thread has gone on the inside, that b*gger cos it's the only decent one I have for the viewing public.
hahahahaha...I read that in a hurry as 'viewing the pubic'.....hahaha, my side's ache
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Ooh I say Neti fab .
I hope you kept everything tucked in nicely and didn't flash your bosoms at any prissy faced people ,behave in a raucous fashion and that you had the full slap on :)
so true, there might have been British ABers there! We'd never hear the end of it. Even if you'd been wearing blue nail varnish, which must be almost as vulgar as tattoos.

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