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Eyebrow threading

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shaneystar2 | 16:18 Wed 24th Oct 2012 | Beauty
1904 Answers
Have any of you ladies had this done ?
I was in town this morning and there was a stand in the shopping centre and they were doing eyebrow threading for a fiver .I dithered :)
Does it hurt ? My eyebrows are nowhere near as thick and dark as they used to be these days but I was wondering if it might make them "look" neater and thicker.


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woo...noticed I've just clocked up the 1000th answer in the salon. better shout up NETI! I'm on the previous page, talking about something you love!
11:57 Tue 27th Aug 2013
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Hello all
Not bad here ,sunny on and off and much cooler .Still nice though.
Hope you are all Ok .Nothing much going on here .Lazy Sunday .
zut alors! my sacré bleu nails :) I've had a session in the garden, bit blowy, had to wear a fleece (!) but I've got a bit that's my lot for today. I could smell beef cooking, is it you shaney?
Been on beach sea very rough, I got knocked over and couldn't get up! Now in the countryside having fideua, paelle with noodles.
Is all Spanish cooking just a mess done in one pan neti?
Yes, as is mine.
Mine's a mess done in every pot and pan I have.
Mind you I'm sitting here with a packet of tuc biscuits and a lb of cheese and the only mess is the crumbs falling into the keyboard.

Fideua (Palla with noodles) the best!!
ooh, my ears are still ringing, the party was as noisy as I feared. There was a semi-quiet room where I spent most of my time drinking cider with berries and lime (never tried that before), but I didn't get to meet many future relatives until after midnight when some guests started going home and the music was turned down a bit. Never mind, everyone seemed to be very impressed with jno jnr, saying how caring and how proper and formal he is - it turns out that three weeks before surprising Lucy with his proposal, he asked her father's permission to seek her hand in marriage. For heaven's sake, how formal is that??

Father was at the party, though he left mother long ago and has a new, younger wife, who was also there; however mother says she no longer wishes to kill him.

The bride to be has already booked wedding and reception, even though it's a year away, and some of the decorations too... she says she was lucky to get them as people usually book more than a year ahead these days. Golly, life is becoming very organised these days, isn't it?

And we all had a nice brunch on the town square this morning before returning home. So really quite a pleasant outing, and the train fare was less than £10 return, so it didn't break the bank.
jno that's so sweet asking dad first, I love it. Yes I can't get my head around booking everything up ages in advance and "save the date" cards before invitations. I got engaged on christmas day (yes I know aaah...) and married at the end of August...but we didn't have a band, wedding favours, decorations, outside catering and so on.
We are lolling here, its cool but blah, went shopping in town and had lunch out then my other Sis phoned so we both had a good gossip to her. More heavy rain forecast for tomorrow then sis goes home on tuesday, short visit this time but she is back in september and we and my friend down the road are all going out to dinner....Hope the more heavy rain doesn't include thunder, am totally fed up with sleepless nights and poor shughy hates it.
hmmm noodle paella....must find recipe......
Evening Each. I'm home now after my first match of the season where we made a draw and that's all I'm saying.
Robi don't forget, don't use your 'hoover' to clean the keys on you PC. I use every pot and pan in sight too when I'm cooking and I don't have a dish washer either.
I'm now going to pack for a week away down South so I'll roabaly be out of touch for a while. I'll try to keep up with your posts on my phone if I'm not busy getting around here and there. I know one day I'm going on a bus-top tour of London with a trip up the Thames and tea at Harrods It's been a long time since I've had tour round the Capital so I'm looking forward. I know, Neti, we did have a good time around the Victoria area. I don't think I'll be flirting with handsome young barmen this time though :-)
It's now absolutely scything down here. No need to water my plants tonight.
I'm happy you've had a good time with your sister Woofy. My sister didn't want me to go round for my cuppa yesterday as she prob has gastro-enteritis as the 111 carers told her and she didn't want me to pick it up before I went away.
Right that's me done for now. I hope you all have a good week and the weather stays fine but not too hot. Robi I think the forcast's rain againb tomorrow for Derby and I've now idea what it is where I'm going.
Anyway Oight Oight all. Take care, see you soon.
roabaly!!!!???? I think that's probably!! :)
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No beef today Robinia ..we had nasi goreng courtesy of Lidls .
Sounds all tickey boo Jno .Good luck to them .You're like my brother ,in spite of two digital hearing aids he can't stand music and loads of people talking at once .It's very much cooler here but no rain .I've got a nasty boil/spot thing at the top of the inside of my leg .I think it was where it was so hot the other day and my jeans rubbed .It's a bit oooh ...ouch so have to sit with leg stuck to one side .
Yes ...I hear you all ...shrieking with laughter :)
Yes all this booking way in advance for nuptials somewhat ruins it for me. My nephew is getting married next June 14th!

We just decided, waiting for the end of December term (I was teaching) got the boat to Barca then the bus to London Victoria, got a special licence, and did the deed. A couple of weeks later we got the bus back accompanied by my older sister, and a male friend of ours , all slept in same cabin on Barca-Ibiza ferry. Those were the days.
Ooh I missed a party jno!! Congrats to jno jnr.
oh, I'm always squeezing spots at the top of my legs, shaney - I can feel them rubbing on the other leg or on clothes even before I can see them; but once I've found them and emptied them they're no more trouble.

Jude, sorry I won't be able to drive you round London on my open-topped bus but I am off to Paris at the same time, so I'll just have to read your reports when you gt home.
Question Author weren't all there when I posted .
Have a lovely time in London Jude and you have a nice time in Paris Jno .Bon voyage both of you .Take care .
Oight Oight chums ..sleep toight .
Good morning, well begger me shaney, your two posts weren't there either, as I was wondering what jno was on about spots on the thighs, much as I looked couldn't see anything like that from you.

Getting fed up with having himself at home all the time, not even golfing, I could scweem and scweem til I'm thick!
Just have to mention that I do not get spots on my legs anywhere, apart from a pilonidal sinus in my groin years ago! I'm lucky that my legs don't rub together, in this heat it would be unbearable. Enough with the bazooms!!!
Morning all...this site must be directly linked with the door bell/telephone, one or the other always rings as soon as I log in. Crip weather but it has stopped raining...for now.

Oooh, ouch.....put some savlon on that shaney. You'll have to wear your kaftan til it's better.

Have a great time Jude. It's ages since I went to London too, I went by stagecoach and there was a hell of a smog when I got there. Hope it's brighter these days.

Glad it was a good noisy do jno. I like a bit of a loud disco and a jig around my handbag myself. It's lovely to have compliments about your offspring, I had some really warming things said to me at Ozzy's wedding about both of my sons, it made me feel I'd done something right. It did occur to me to say 'Now please repeat that to those people over there' but it's best to keep your thoughts under wraps sometimes. :)
Have a good time in gay Paree....

It's very exotic but a hard work garden neti...and that's where my bishop of landaff dahlias went is it? tut...I'm having that monkey puzzle in exchange.

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