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punk hairstyle

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hr7bmx | 00:14 Thu 26th Oct 2006 | Beauty
7 Answers
i have just had my hair cut from very long into a mohiccan (spelling probably wrong). We put all sorts of stuff in it but it still wouldnt stand up. the length is approx 6 to 7 inchs. does anybody know if there are any specialist gels for this hairstyle or any known way of getting it to stand vertical? Much appreciated


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Try 'Tigi Bed Head Hard Head Mohawk Gel'
Google that. That stuff really works guaranteed.
You can also use spray starch but close your eyes! Lemonade works too.
Most of the punks I knew used soap to jack their hair up. Get a good lather, rub it is, jack it up, let it dry. Result.
A friend of mine use to use egg white, but occasionally this would flake off and look like dandruff, not a good look! Soap works well though!
I used to have a huge mohican when i was younger. Andy and bookermel are right cos i used to use soap too, oh and you could try sugar and water (my mates used to do that but i could never get it to work properly)
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cheers for all the suggestions guys, i did try sugar and water but just found it dried into clumps of sugar. I've recently been told gelatine and actually bought spray starch yesterday. will also try soap though alot cheaper than all these hair gels cheers
Punk haircut has seen an increase in their popularity in the 1980 's. This began a trend that has developed in different ways. Wannabe punk adolescents need to understand the basic costs punk hairstyles. This will help you find the right cut, depending on your hair. Think punk haircut, and you can imagine the bright colors and hues. Punk haircuts are often brightly coloured, which are generally unnatural, and who are the antithesis of the normal nuances that we know. From wild and wacky shocking blues to pink, bright orange in the wild violet-the choice is yours. Here you have to coordinate with your hairdresser and decide how you will apply the color, whether a particular section of your hair strand of hair. Try to achieve a high level of contrast. How would you describe your hair colour also decide how your haircut finally punk look. es/ es/ les/ /punk-hairstyles-tips/

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