before i fell preg i always had spotting before period was due i have been spotting brown for 6 days now and im 4 weeks 2 days pregnant
i had a miscarriage in july at 5weeks 3 days which i had all the spotting before hand that time too... is this pregnancy going to go the same way?
i did a digital test today and says im pregnant and have a blood test on monday when i will be 4 weeks 5 days.. what should the levels be at that time?
an "average" level of beta hcg on blood test will be for that amount of weeks/days (i think) between 400 and 500 international units per ml, however, only serial hcg's will show if you are still pregnant and the pregnancy is progressing. where i live they give an estimate of the days/weeks along with the level from the labs. As to whether you will have another miscarriage, i'm afraid no-one can say and you'll just have to hang on to find out