Never mind about figures and stats about other people, lets just concentrate about you. My aunt had the right idea, he had cervical cancer and got cured and went on to have two babies and she's still going strong 12 years later. she called her cancer 'The thing' and imagined that every time you have a nice meal, and some exercise and some treatment, it weakened 'the thing' very much. If she felt tired 'the thing' was wide awake, and rest would weaken it. positive thoughts weakened it, happ thought weakened it, it thrived on bad or depressive thoughts - so don't give in to it. Obviously you'll have your bad days, but vow to yourself that on the next good day you'll come back twice as ready to knock the thing into submission and feel great. You may find hypno-therapy helps too. I wish you all the luck and good, positive outcome xx