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@ OG and Yorkie - Therein lies the problem. We have been told that L.Casei Immunitas is a good thing for us, that it is a pro-biotic, but few know what that actually means, or what good it is supposed to do.
A probiotic is an allegedly beneficial micro-organism. Micro-organisms live in large colonies throughout the body, but especially within the gut.
However, different probiotic drinks carry different strains of beneficial bacteria. They have little or no actual evidence to support the specific health claims that have been made for them. So people are now taking a more detailed look at the supposed benefits.Activia, for example, claims it has studies that support the idea that the pro-biotic contained within its drink,Bifidus Regularis, can regulate the digestive system and aid in conditions like Irritable Bowel Syndrome ( IBS) - but as best as I can tell, these studies are all funded by Activia.
Finally, you have to appreciate the scale of the issue. Around 1-2% of your body mass is actually bacteria, and the amount specifically within the gut is probably around 2,maybe 3Kg by weight. That represents about 100 trillion cells, or 100 thousand billion cells. A daily dose of activia, or danone, or actimel serves up around 10000 million, an incredibly tiny fraction - In my opinion, it can have little to no effect, and any benefits you get from drinking such drinks you would get from drinking just plain yoghurt, or milk :)