Back Pain Or Bladder/kidney Infection? in The AnswerBank: Body & Soul
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Back Pain Or Bladder/kidney Infection?

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Scarlett | 21:06 Sun 25th Sep 2016 | Body & Soul
2 Answers
I had a urine infection a few days ago, and immediately took antibiotics, as I get them fairly frequently (2-3 times a year). I was feeling hot and exhausted. Walking two steps would get me out of breath. Today I woke up with the worse back pain imaginable, across my lower back- it feels like a car has driven into me. Pain lessens when I lie down, but is agony when I try and stand, walk or sit.I do have back trouble anyway, but I wondered whether this sounded like it was linked with the bladder infection or is separate? I have facet joint injections for this sort of pain, and can't think why it has suddenly come on (on waking!).
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My experience of kidney stones is that the position you are in is irrelevant; it just HURTS.
If you still have your urinary symptoms, pain, urgency, passing small amounts of urine frequently, hot,sweaty feeling ill........then yes.....your back pain may well be associated with your bladder problems.
However, if your back pain is in isolation, that is you urinary problems have disappeared, then the pain is more likely to be due to your spinal problem.

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Back Pain Or Bladder/kidney Infection?

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