Magnetic bracelets in The AnswerBank: Body & Soul
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Magnetic bracelets

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douggym | 20:36 Fri 23rd Jun 2006 | Body & Soul
6 Answers
My mother suffers from painful arthritis in her hands and has been told that a magnetic bracelet may help. We have heard that one called Bioflow is really good but it seems expensive compared with others that are advertised. Can anyone comment about how good they are and if they are worth the money please?
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I wear a magnetic bracelet, (hermatite) it is really good, another thing your mum should do is to take cider vinegar mixed with honey, you can buy it already mixed called "Honeygar" from health food shops, also watch her diet,don't eat too many tomatoes and drink a lot of water

hope this helps, Ray
I have painful arthritis in my whole body ....and have tried all these things..have had a copper bracelet and a magnetic one ..to no avail.This is not to say it won't help your Mum..what works for one doesn't always work for another.
I do a lot of knitting which keeps my hands a bit supple and squeezing a rubber ball (actually it's the dog's ball! )helps too.
Diet is important with arthritis and drink plenty of water .
Glucosamine or Feldene gel is good to rub into the hands ..You can get all sorts of gadgets now for fumbly fingered people !
Useful info here
http://www.healthywaymagazine.com/issue30/05_k eep_moving.htmlsa
I have just realised what I have written.....oh the shame !
By the dogs ball ...I mean the TOY one which I throw for him to catch !!!
My husband has arthritic knees. He was told about these bracelets. He thinks things like that are all mumbo jumbo. Anyway, i bought him one from the pound shop. He swears by it now!!
Don't waste your money, they have been proved to not work,

Check this site, scroll down to magnetic therapy.........

Get some Glucosamine and Chondrointin (sp?) tablets douggym for your Mother .I have arthritis in my fingers too and it is very painful but these tablets have been a big relief . All the best to her .

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