PLEASE HELP! I am being kept awake at night with indigestion. I seem to have problems when I eat carbhydrates. My skin swells up and I suffer with indigestion pain. I WOULD REALLY APPRECIATE YOUR COMMENTS ON THIS. MANY THANKS!
If your skin swells up then you might be having an allergic reaction or severe intolerance to certain foods. Your mention of carbohydrates suggests a possible intolerance to gluten (coeliac disease). In any case, i think you should consult your GP. I might be a good idea to keep a food diary and document the time and duration of the attacks.
Agree with the above answer that it sounds like some sort of allergy. I am not allergic to wheat but I find that if I eat much of it I have indigestion and feel grotty. I have been really good this week and have cut right down on carbs and I do feel a lot better for it. You could try cutting them out and then gradually re-introduce certain foods to see if anything in particular causes a problem. I do agree though that if the indigestion persists you should see your GP