Hi Puddicat, Funny Girl is right, PortionControl !
This is the most sensible news coming outof the states for ages, but wait rational people have said this for years.
But sometime we aren't rational we are humans not german engineers so what can you do?
you can try some tea like oolong and phu er. The last one cando what it says in the label. They are meant to uo the body metabolism. I like their tastes bu lose weight not inmy house
But there is a new patented product in America from an organic andvegetarian health compapy fForever Green
As many Americans are having to resor to stomach surgery a doctor has designed a pill which contains something that expands in your stomach to fill you up so you don't have the desire to eat as much. The feeling lasts several hours.The gels then passes through your system as normal.
Its like a no brainer fill you stomach half way with an inert filler you then noly eat to fill you up. Like having yor stomach operated on but without the risks
SO check it out. Yes its american, but so is Bonjovi
My sister at 42has started to incerease sharpley as she has now married an american and hey have large meals. She says it really really works for her.
Good luch.. Its system is called my O3 world