I have eczema on the inside of my elbows and now spreading up my neck. In the past when I have had outbreaks the cream from the doctor never works and I have to wait months for it to go away on its own.
Have tried taking the homeopatic remedy Sulphur without success.
I always use E45 or hydrocortisone cream, but i find the sunshine helps it, i also remember that when i was a lot younger the doctor recomended evening primrose oil, but i dont think i tried it and just stuck with the creams.
I also wash with dove soap as this is just plain with no perfumes.
As you know it can be triggered by stress. I get it back of neck and inner elbows. I have taken "Frequensea" for it. Infact I was so impressed I now get it for my sister , her husband and her daughter .amd some friends.
It is an organic vegetarian whole food drink with phytoplankton in it. I order it from the states, but it costs �25 for a months supply and that is what I get it for.
let me know good luck
Sometimes prolonged use of steroid creams can make the skin worse by making it thinner.........
I have just ordered some natural products from the internet...you could always try this as an alternative...........i have been using it on Psoriasis and its helping the itching......