Calorie Calculations in The AnswerBank: Health & Fitness
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Calorie Calculations

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echokilo | 22:03 Mon 09th Mar 2009 | Health & Fitness
7 Answers
If a 35 year old female weighs 13.5 st and eats 1100 calrories per day and burns 250 calories per day exercising (on top of normal walking/working in office environment - mostly sedentary) how much weight per week should be lost?
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Thats not enough calories to fuel her body. I would say she should eat 1500 calories a day and should loose say 2lb a week.
Sounds like starvation, you will not lose fat, but muscle and just end up lookng like a defated balloon.

Drop your daily intake by 500 cals, do cardio and resistance exercise 3-4 times per week and you ca expect to lose 2-4 pounds per week.
Your Basal Metabolic rate is what your body burns, just by living. If you're in a coma for example, just your brain thinking, controlling your bodily organs takes up 70% of your daily allowance. This means around 1400kcal a day is just used up on just breathing and general living. The rest of the food you take in is just to exercise and be able to get out of bed.
You must eat more than 1100kcal a day. Around 1500 will be much more appropriate.
P.s, this is coming from a recover anorexic! Who used to exercise and cut down to 300kcal a day.
I also have learnt a lot in nutrition. I know these things!
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Velvetee ... you say this sounds like starvation and then say DROP calorie intake by 500 cals .... did you mean INCREASE calories?

Is 1100 calories a day dangerous? She is losing about 2-3lbs per week....................
Velvetee means drop your calorie intake from 2000 a day (which is normal) to 1500.
And as I said, you must have 1400 to live. if she drops too fast, then firstly, she will regain quite quickly once she stops.
Doing it this way can also have bad side effects like damage to bodily systems, low blood pressure and things like this.
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I see - makes sense entirely now .... will pass it on x
You can get more details about the eating habits and stay slim program in this site.

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