if its pain behind the eyes see an optician. If its a atrong pain around eyes and nausea its a migraine see a doc. If its just a head pain then take headache tablets
Sqad, while you're there, can I just ask you a question please. (sorry to interrupt your thread bladejet.)
I have a severe headache every month when I have my period, it is always in my right temple. It sometimes affects my eyes focusing, it's difficult to think straight and I have difficulty stringing a sentence together so I have to speak slowly. The only thing that touches it is Syndol. Can you tell me what it is.
Thank you Sqad. I've had them for years. They are so intense sometimes and usually last 3 days (if I don't take Syndol at the off-set of them). Sometimes they are so bad that if someone is telling me a telephone number, for example, I don't know immediately how to write it down because I've forgotten for example what a "2" is, and how to write it. It worries me sometimes that I can't function when I've got these headaches. But if it's ok to have these headaches, I'll just put up with them.
I get them too like a migraine always a week before I'm due. Real sicky feeling. Oh I missed the sinus headache out. Usual a feeling of head being crushed. lol
notafish....I clearly can't make a diagnosis and indeed shouldn't, but might a trip to your GP with a suggestion of a diagnosis of "Cluster Headaches" be beneficial.
Do it diplomatically though LOL LOL
P.S It would have p1ssed me off if someone did that, but there again I am a "know all" and arrogant. LOL LOL
Thank you Sqad. But is there anything that can be done for cluster headaches? Other than taking the Syndol?
(I'm sorry again bladejet that I'm using your thread)
I have low blood pressure so probably the oxygen therapy would be the best, I'll google that, thank you Sqad.
Bladejet if your headache is a period headcahe then Syndol is the best tablet I've found.
4get, my headaches used to be pre-menstrual, then mid-menstual, now they come when the period is virtually finished, but they always come! It's hard to be a woman!
I think far more info would be needed before many suggestions could be made as bad headaches could cover a wide spectrum of things.
If you reply to sqad's questions it might help or see your GP who has your medical history, medications etc... a trip to the opticians as well can be useful.
Notafish, there is medication but oxygen therapy is good and can cut an attack of cluster headache short. My boss has them very badly as can't take the drugs so has oxygen on hand.