My poor friend has literally been totally breathless these past 2-3 days however they are doing an angiogram on her today (this morning at 7.30 am). I am very worried as she has had an operation to remove a lump on her throat which was lymphoma - she has nodules on her lungs and her liver. I am wondering is this all too much for her.
Is the angiogram painful - are you knocked out - God she has been through so much. She is not 60 until December.
Thanks for any answers re the angiogram - she getting it through the groin.
I can only answer based on when I recently took my 94 year old mother for an angiogram (also through the groin). As a result of what they found they also carried out a minor angioplasty straight away (with my mother's consent of course). She said it was all totally painless - no she wasn't knocked out, just local anaesthesia - normally discharged same day, but kept her in overnight as op was late in the day and she was very tired by that time.
Hope this helps. Good luck to your friend.
An angiogram is not painful and you are not knocked out. i had one done in 1998 and chatted to the surgeon while he carried it out.He told me I could look at it on a monitor if I wanted to[I did]. He decided I needed stents and inserted them at the same time.There was no pain.afterwards I had to lie still for eight hours to prevent bleeding at the entry wound.A friend of mine had an angiogram last week and only had to lie still for four hours, so there's an improvement.
thanks for your answers - really appreciate your answers. As my other friend says things have moved regarding the heart since 10 years. So hopefully they will be able to help her