Have to agree with the previous answers.
I had a catastrophic breakdowen twenty-one years ago, almost to the month. i was in a psychiatric ward for three months, and off work for nearly a year. i have battled to get my mental health back, and yes, it does involve medication for life.
i never have, and never will, see mediation as something to be rid of.
No-one is going to stand there at the end of your life, with a medal for living without medication.
It;s not a competition, so you haven't lost.
It's not a sign of weakness to take medication - as others have advised, if it waws insulin, you would probably be perfectly happy taking it.
My strong advice is that you give up this fight - which will only ever end in a pyrrhic victory.
You need your medication yto live your life, so don;t fight it. Embrace it.
I have taken a little pill every night for 365 days a year, for nearly twenty-one years. It's like brushing my teeth, and taking my specs off when I lay down to sleep - it's part of me.
Hope this will encourage you to see your GP a\nd get a prescription. Life gives you enough to suffer with - don't go looking for trouble, you only hurt yourself.