Can anyone give me any advice on how long it will take for Trimethoprim to work, The doctor prescribed a 3 day course for my daughter she has just finished day 2 and there is little improvement, She is drinking gallons of lemon barley water and loads of plain water. she tried cranberry juice but hated it, and i really need to get her back to school tomorrow as she is doing a levels but it is very difficult when you are running for the loo every 5 mins
Any other help with this would be great .
She started to feel weird on friday and then went to her dads house for the weekend so come sunday she was in alot of pain, I was running baths at 3am in the morning eventually i managed to get her to sleep at 5am, and then rang the doctors and got an emergency appointment
missing 1 more day of school wont make much difference, i wouldn't have thought. I had to re-read because when you say "i managed to get her to sleep at 5am" i thought we were taling of a toddler :). If she's not feeling better at the end of the course, get her to go back to the gp. Does she have a temp?
thanks all, she has had stinking colds since the end of last week so she does have a temperature but i think its more from the cold than the water infection. I will see what she is like in the morning and will ring the doc for there anything else i can give her as she is on the loo every 5 mins with not much wee coming out and then has to keep running back as she thinks her bladder is going to burst
There is something called Cysteme you can buy over the counter that is supposed to change the acidity of the urine and it might help. I was plagued by cycstitis as a child and the only thing that did the trick was antibiotics though. I was usually on them for about a week.
Lots of water to drink, paracetamol for the pain and a hot water bottle on her tummy should help.
Also, careful gentle rinsing with very very dilute Savlon in warm water after every visit to the loo (no soap, it may irritate more) can be helpful.
Too bad that there's no improvement yet, though. Definitely go back to the GP or try to get a telephone consultation if she's still having problems tonight.
Yeah we took in a water specimen for them to was very cloudy and he noticed that straight away and did a dip test, I have spoken to out of hours service tonight ( harmoney) and they have said all that we are dooing is good and to waite to book a docs appointment in the here goes for the fourth night with no sleep but we will see what happens in the morning....thanks all
Hi josaphine32
Prior to having surgery to have my prostate removed, I managed to get an infection and was prescribed the same tablets - but a week's course !! They did work after the week.