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fao of sqad

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berniecuddles | 14:45 Tue 19th Oct 2010 | Health & Fitness
8 Answers
my wife had been prescribed with an anal fissure 6 months ago and went to the hospital where the surgeon said it would be best not to operate on it but instead he gave her some anoheal cream which did the trick!
2 days ago my wife was in agony with another fissure in the same place(on top of anus opening) i have had a look for her it looks like a rip or a bit like a paper cut if you know what i mean, we have a new tube of anoheal cream and i am putting it on for her twice a day,she is in a lot of pain with it apart from going back to the hospital any ideas what else we can do or will the cream work like it did before and heal the rip.
any help would be greatful


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No joking here bernie - I had an anal fissure/tear about 18 years ago. They are indeed very painful. I tried all sorts of creams and potions - the only one that was helpful to me was an ointment called Proctosedyl.
bernie.....painful condition. Proctosedyl and Anoheal are basically the same, so continue with the cream and it should settle.

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squad, you a doctor?
I too had a fissure - see my post as ric.ror - they are really painful - in fact i had two - one over 25 years ago for which i was operated on. Last year i had another - hence my colonoscopy - after the colonoscopy the bleeding stopped but has now started again - i can't see how cream can mend a cut that - in effect - opens up everytime you open your bowels
you can get anal fissures on prescription now? Wow!

Anyway, sorry for the joke, that must be painful.try the cream, but also try increasing your water intake
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thx all she is in a lot of pain right now but we will persevere with the cream I am lead to believe, although many ABers would disagree LOL
I was given Sheriproct and it was fantastic for the pain though it did take a long while to heal up.

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